Steve Kim

7 Essential Nursing Theories and Theorists

Everything that is in existence is believed to have originated from somewhere. Did you know that this applies also to Nursing as a career?  We have prepared this article for you to learn about Essential Nursing Theories and Theorists to enlighten you big time. Nursing Theories Definition Nursing theories are systematic collections of information that…

 215+ Best Nursing Education Topics For Research

Completing assignments and term papers should be simple if your tutor provides you with the best nursing education topics, right? What happens if those hot topics in nursing education are not covered? Don’t worry; this guide will cover all the critical issues for your professional success. When it comes to writing a nursing paper, it…

Ethical and legal principles in nursing

Any healthcare provider must have ethical values. Ethical values are universal rules of conduct that serve as a practical foundation for determining what types of actions, intentions, and motives are valued. 1) Ethics are moral principles that govern how individuals or groups act or conduct themselves. The emphasis is on right and wrong actions and the…

151+ Best Health Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

A state of complete mental and physical well-being is defined as health. Diet, lifestyle, and society all have an impact on an individual’s health. A layperson may not be interested in understanding the factors that influence their health, whereas educated people constantly seek to understand every factor that influences their health. In the case of…

99+ Latest Health Psychology Topics

Are you looking for research topics in health psychology? or argumentative essay topics We understand how difficult it can be to develop an excellent research question. As a result, we have developed a guide with 100 Latest Health Psychology Topics to help you. The first step in the research writing process is identifying an excellent…

150+ Top Notch Sports research topics

If you’re having trouble writing your sports research paper, you might have probably chosen the wrong topic. Many students struggle with selecting appropriate sports research paper topics, but at, we have the best solution for you. In this article, we have listed 150+ top-notch sports research topics. Sports history dates back to when people…

110 Latest Health Essay Topics for Unique Papers

For most people, deciding what to write about is more complicated than writing it, especially regarding health essays. There are so many fascinating health essay ideas to choose from that it’s nearly impossible. To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of 110 best health essay topics for unique papers of the most…

99+ Best Nursing Capstone Project Ideas for Students

Is it time to start working on your nursing capstone project? If your answer is yes, it means you’ve arrived at an exciting point in your life. It’s time to finish your nursing studies and start your career. These papers show what you’ve learned in school and allow you to apply that knowledge. However, selecting…

Walden – NURS 4430 – Week 11: Therapy for Patients With Dementia/Alzheimer’s and Comorbid States

Week 11: Therapy for Patients With Dementia/Alzheimer’s and Comorbid States As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, you will frequently work with patients across the life span who may also have comorbid conditions. For instance, you may treat a 16-year-old female with Down syndrome and increasing violent behaviors; a middle-aged male with schizophrenia, diabetes, and poor lung…

Grand Cayon – NRS-433V Introduction to Nursing Research Course Syllabus

NRS-433V – Introduction to Nursing Research Course Syllabus  Version 15.0 Introduction to Nursing Research   Course Code                       Type                                    Duration                                            Credit Hours NRS-433V v:1    Credit Based      35 Days                            3.0 5.0 Course Description This writing-intensive course promotes the use of research findings as a basis for improving clinical practice. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are presented. Emphasis…

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