GCU EED 480NA All Week Assignments Latest
GCU EED 480NA All Week Assignments Latest
GCU EED 480NA Student Teaching Elementary Session
EED 480NA TWS Standard 1: Contextual Factors: School and Community Demographics, Classroom Demographics, Building Trust Relationships, and Classroom Management
Complete Standard 1 of the “Teacher Work Sample” template.
Knowing your school and community with its unique demographics will support your understanding and effectiveness as a teacher.
Research demographic and logistical information about your school, community, and students. Organize this information into the corresponding sections of the TWS. The inserted data will include the following:
Community, District, and School Factors:
1. Geographic location, population, stability of community, and community support for education.
2. District name and grades served, number of schools, number of students, and percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch.
3. Your school information, including the school name, grades, number of students, percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, and the academic achievement ranking/level.
4. The academic achievement ranking/level could include the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and school improvement status.
Classroom Factors:
1. The demographic data of the students in your class, i.e., enrollment, ethnicities, gender, and socioeconomic information.
2. Knowing classroom demographic information is helpful in developing instruction and classroom management/engagement plans.
3. Environmental factors such as physical arrangement of the room, classroom resources available, parental involvement, and available/accessible technology.
Student Factors:
Student factors to include the number of students that receive outside the class educational resources, number of students whose primary language is not English, number of students on IEPs, number of non-labeled students, such as 504, and any other factors that influence the delivery of content in the classroom.
Research Connection
1. Use a peer-reviewed or professional journal to expound on a topic within this standard.
2. Write a 3-5 bullet summary of the literature source.
Instructional Implications:
After you have inserted this information into the appropriate sections of the TWS, write the narrative portion of the report (Instructional Implications) and ensure it is no more than 500 words. Summarize how the information compiled above will influence your success as a teacher candidate by addressing the following:
1. What points of information are imperative for new teachers to know? How will this information affect your teaching and interactions with students, staff, and community? How does this data inform your effectiveness as a teacher?
2. How will the differences and similarities of the students in your classroom effect your daily interactions, instruction, planning, and classroom engagement/management plans?
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
EED 480NA TWS Standard 2: Topics and Learning Goals
Complete Standard 2 of the “Teacher Work Sample” template.
Discuss with your cooperating teacher/mentor the process he or she uses to develop and implement learning goals in daily and weekly lesson plans and instructional units.
Review and identify your state’s content standards and ISTE∙T standards that might link to learning goals.
Insert the identified national or state academic content standards and ISTE∙T standards appropriate to the unit of instruction you will be creating and implementing in this session of your student teaching placement.
Develop and list a learning goal that will guide the planning, delivery, and assessment of the unit of instruction. In addition to being aligned to the identified content and technology standards, this goal should be clear, challenging, and appropriate for your students.
List any measurable objectives that align with the learning goal.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
EED 480NA TWS Standard 3: Assessment Plan: Assessing, Documenting, and Communicating Student Progress
Complete Standard 3 of the “Teacher Work Sample” template.
The purpose of this section is to examine the processes involved in assessing, documenting, and communicating student progress.
Pretest (Including Scoring Criteria)
Administer a pretest to inform the assessment plan to monitor student progress toward the learning goals identified in your lesson plans. The assessment should authentically measure student learning and should include both performance-based and criteria-based tasks.
Insert this pretest into the Assessment Plan, Pretest section of the TWS template.
Administer the pretest.
Compile the results of the pretest.
Pretest Data: Whole Class
Complete the Pretest Data: Whole Class section using the data compiled from the pretest.
Pretest Analysis: Whole Class
Review the national or state academic content standards, learning goals, and
measurable objectives identified in the previous step.
Identify any changes that should be made to these elements and insert your changes into the Pretest Analysis: Whole Class section of the TWS.
Post-Test: Whole Class (Including Scoring Criteria)
Insert the post-test.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
GCU EED 480NA Week 4 Assignment Teacher Candidate Collaborative Evaluation 1
Details:Review the “Professional Dispositions” as this evaluation reflects those dispositions in particular. Be prepared to discuss the dispositions in detail and why they are important for the professional educator. You will formally reflect on professional dispositions in Topic 8.
The GCU Faculty Supervisor will submit the evaluation documents into Taskstream after the evaluation has been completed. The evaluations will include collaborative comments and feedback from your cooperating teacher/mentor and GCU Faculty Supervisor.
Course instructors will retrieve the Taskstream evaluation score as posted by the GCU Faculty Supervisor and record points according to the directions in “Retrieving Your Evaluation.”
GCU EED 480NA TWS Standard 4: Design for Instruction and Lesson Plans
Complete Standard 4 of the “Teacher Work Sample” template.
Using the Unit of Instruction being developed since Topic 1, complete the Unit Scope and Sequence section of the TWS.
Your unit will encompass a 5-day period and must include the use of technology, aligned to ISTE∙T standards.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
GCU EED 480NA TWS Standard 5: Instructional Decision Making
Details:Complete Standard 5 of the “Teacher Work Sample” template.
The “Design for Instruction and Lesson Plans” was implemented in Topic 4. During the instruction of these lessons, there were times when students’ learning or responses caused you to modify your original design for instruction.
In 75-100 words, describe what went into changing or rethinking your original plans for your instructional unit, including the use of technology.
In 75-100 words, describe your next step and why you thought changing orrethinking the plan would improve student progress.
Be sure to administer your post-test in order to have data for the next, section of the TWS.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
GCU EED 480NA TWS Standard 6: Analysis of Student Learning (Taskstream Assignment)
Complete Standard 6 of the “Teacher Work Sample” template.
In this standard, you will be analyzing data to explain progress and achievement toward learning goals as demonstrated by your entire class, by a subgroup of students, and by an individual student.
Prepare this assignment according to the instructions in “TWS Standard 6: Analysis of Student Learning.” All coursework will inform this assignment.
Data: Whole Class
For the class as a whole, insert pre-assessment and post-assessment data in the appropriate fields for this section.
Analysis: Whole Class
1. Interpret the results and analyze the effectiveness of your instruction.
2. Write 75-100 words for each post-test analysis.
Data: Subgroup Selection
1. Select a subgroup characteristic (e.g., gender, performance level, language proficiency, special needs) by analyzing the common characteristics of the students.
2. Provide a rationale for your selection of this one characteristic.
Data: Subgroup
Insert the pre-assessment and post-assessment data for this subgroup.
Data: Remainder of Class
Insert the data for the remainder of the class.
Post-Test Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class