Grand Canyon – ESL 223N Entire Course Discussions


ESL 223N Entire Course Discussions – GCU

ESL 223N Entire Course SEI English Language Teaching-GCU
ESL 223N Full Course Discussion

ESL 223N Week 1 Discussion 1

Recently, Sheltered English Instruction, also known as Structured English Immersion (SEI), has replaced bilingual education in a few states. Arizona is one of those states. Looking at the SEI model and bilingual education model, compare and contrast these two methods, citing advantages and disadvantages of each. As a future educator, which model would you prefer to see implemented and why?

ESL 223N Week 1 Discussion 2

Two-way dual immersion programs are gaining popularity in many states.  As a future educator, what are your thoughts on this type of program for ELLs?  What information from the assigned readings and videos support your opinion?

ESL 223N Week 2 Discussion 1

Why is it important for teachers to discern the cultural differences among their students? How can a teacher learn more about the cultures of their students? How could this new information influence lesson planning and student learning?

ESL 223N Week 2 Discussion 2

Based on your educational experiences provide an example where the cultural needs of you or your peers were not addressed. How should it have been handled?

ESL 223N Week 3 Discussion 1

Review the information found in “Key Terms” on the “ESL Database.” Choose two terms from the database to paraphrase. How are these terms used in relation to English language learners or education in general?

ESL 223N Week 3 Discussion 2

Review the “Introduction to BICS/CALP” and “Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency” in this topic. Explain why the distinction between BICS and CALP is important. Which takes longer to develop?

ESL 223N Week 4 Discussion 1

Review the achievement mandates for ELLs in Arizona or in your state. In your opinion, are these mandates beneficial to ELLs? Explain.

ESL 223N Week 4 Discussion 2

How can you meet the mandates of the Common Core Standards when teaching ELLs?

ESL 223N Week 5 Discussion 1

Effective teachers do more than just go through the motions of writing their lesson content and language objectives on the board. Getting the students involved in thinking about the objectives is important.  How would you get students involved in learning the lesson content and language objectives? List at least two ideas.

ESL 223N Week 5 Discussion 2

The following three features or objectives are contained within the Component 2: Building Background video:
1. Teaching concepts must be bridged to students’ backgrounds.
2. The teacher should create links between the students’ past learning and new learning in the classroom.
3. Students must learn new key vocabulary words for each lesson.

How would you utilize each objective in teaching your content area? Provide one example for each objective.



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