Gender inequality essay; examples and topics


Discrimination based on a person’s gender significantly contributes to gender inequality, a global problem. Negative prejudices and stereotypes are learned and can stay with a child far into adulthood. One cause of the imbalance between the sexes is parents who instill bias in their children.

Partnerships are actively formed by organizations like UNICEF all around the world to prevent and promote gender equality. Some of the things they’re working to improve are our job opportunities, maternal health, education, and training. Your gender inequality essay could aid the movement toward gender equality, which would help avoid violence. Plus, more people will realize the issue’s gravity if we have this conversation.

What is gender inequality essay

Gender disparity is a societal problem that has been diffused over the entire united states. Gender inequality pertains to unequal treatment and judgments based on an individual’s gender. Through the years, many women have been treated differently than men, at home and in the office. Women have been battling to obtain the same equality and authority as men. Gender disparity is a critical issue for me as a girl. I was encouraged to follow my ambitions and never give up on my dreams. My parents always claimed I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. To this day, women are viewed as though they are not capable of accomplishing certain things like men.

Equality between the sexes: eight gender inequality essay topics

First, a definition of gender inequality

Essays on the meaning of gender disparity

Describe a typical instance of discrimination based on a person’s gender, along with the responses of both men and women.

Discuss the significance of the topic and shed light on the causes and consequences of inequality in the current world. Please provide an example of a prevalent kind of discrimination against women and the response of men and women in such a situation. Provide solutions and preventative measures as your essay’s conclusion.

Essay on gender roles consequences 

Inequality between the sexes, in actuality, hurts everyone. Talk about how this issue robs people of hope, fosters terrible habits, and places them in difficult circumstances. If you want your essay to be taken seriously, you should use evidence like surveys and statistics to back up your views.

How to stop gender inequality essay

Since the beginning, inequality between the sexes has been an ever-present problem. Use this question to think about and discuss ways in which institutions (including governments, businesses, schools, religions, parents, and individuals) can be less biased towards women and girls.

Simple actions, such as sharing domestic responsibilities between roommates of either gender, calling out sexist jokes, and educating oneself on the topic, can significantly impact advancing gender equality.

Use robust and convincing language to increase the impact of your essay. To learn more about writing persuasively, check out our tutorial.

  • The four forms of gender disparity and their root causes
  • Types and roots of gender disparity: essays on the problem
  • Try to talk to someone who has felt this disproportion firsthand.

Discuss the many forms of discrimination against women in education, sexual violence, pay, recognition, racism, and ownership. Please include their background and origins.

To better understand this discrepancy, it would be ideal to speak with someone who has experienced it firsthand. Please encourage them to share their reactions and hypotheses about what took transpired. Do not be afraid to use a variety of examples to help your readers grasp the concepts at hand.

Essay on gender inequality in the worldwide workplace prevalence 

Find survey data demonstrating how many people are still impacted by gender inequality and use it to inform your research. Find the most reputable source, and see if there are any regional variations. Share your thoughts and research what you think is driving this discrimination.

Essay on gender in politics

If you wish to address severe issues of gender inequality, this prompt will help you get started. Give specific examples of how the treatment of women and men differs in politics. Generally speaking, the more well-known the instances are, the better. There may be significant differences in how male and female politicians lead, which you might also examine.

Who is most impacted by gender inequality?

This prejudice affects everyone, but who is more susceptible to it? Find relevant information from reliable sources to calculate and elaborate on the number of persons involved. Explain the sources of influence and the effects they have on these individuals.

The effect of gender disparity on family life

Even in affluent households or among the nobility, gender inequality persists because whoever runs the show needs authority and control over their subordinates. Look worldwide for societies that have not yet abandoned the patriarchal order. Comment on whether you think it’s time to make changes to these buildings or whether it’s better to preserve them as-is to honor longstanding customs.

Possibly this is not the right topic for you if you are still struggling. Look over our comprehensive list of essay themes for inspiration.

Gender inequality essay examples

  1. Development, gender, and globalization.
  2. This is the pink tax.
  3. Relation between Female workers and being unpaid at work.
  4. The propagation of gender roles is based on stereotypes by the mainstream media.
  5. Emma Watson’s manifesto for feminists to live.
  6. The HeForShe movement has been called into question.
  7. Ensuring that girls in Ghana have access to educational opportunities.
  8. Activists are working in the area of voting rights.
  9. Instances of violence done against females and young girls
  10. The promotion of careers in the STEM fields for female students and workers.

Top essay topics on gender stereotypes

  1. Write a paper from scratch on any subject.
  2. Global perspectives on social, cultural, and gender inequality
  3. The instructor is responsible for fostering an atmosphere conducive to in-depth discussions about gender, and this is because different students have different preferred methods of instruction.
  4. Prevalent disparities between men and women in the united states
  5. Unequal pay for equal work in Canada
  6. Although there are apparent biological differences between men and women, especially in physical appearance, most social indifference perception is not due to the biological meaning but rather the gradual culture.
  7. Problems with gender inequality in Algeria
  8. Women’s contributions to rebuilding society after their spouses and the government mostly overlooked war.
  9. Employment disparities between men and women
  10. Since the number of working women around the world has been rising steadily in recent decades, we can safely conclude that discrimination against women in the workplace is mainly based on gender.
  11. This incident exposed the extent to which women are susceptible to societal preconceptions. Because of this incident, women were barred from participating in political life.
  12. I was explaining the persistence of gender disparity in today’s world.
  13. Ridgeway argues that while it may not be entirely accurate to claim that only women are affected by the gender gap, most examples of gender inequality feature women on the receiving end of injustices.
  14. Unequal treatment of women is a global problem.
  15. Coontz addresses these concerns within the historical framework of the economic standing of American women and their restricted social roles.
  16. Parity for women in the workplace
  17. To address the issue of burnout, I analyze the concept of work-life balance.
  18. Deficiencies in china’s labor market due to gender disparity
  19. Even while experts have determined how much of a gap there is between men’s and women’s salaries on the job, they disagree on how best to close the gap.
  20. Disparities between the sexes at Reginald murphy university

Comparative analysis of gender inequality topics

  1. Kuwait’s game is slightly higher than that of the sea. However, this is due to the country’s very high level of wealth and its relatively low female representation in parliament.
  2. Disparities in health care access and sex inequality
  3. Wacquant thus not only brings up the topic of gender disparity but also underlines the fact that it has a rather lengthy history of development that has its roots in the past.
  4. Federici’s “Caliban and the witch” examines gender inequality
  5. Federici demonstrates how the rise of global trade and the mistaken belief that a country’s prosperity is directly tied to the number of working men and women contributed to the decline of women’s economic independence and the consolidation of power in a patriarchal society.
  6. Economic empowerment and racial and gender inequality essay topics
  7. The research will examine the correlation between racial and gender inequalities and poverty.
  8. The persistence of gender disparity around the world
  9. To take part in shaping the ideas they have about gender and women 

Work and gender inequality for women topics

  1. Gender, or sexual orientation, is part of a broader sociocultural framework that includes the social advantages and disadvantages associated with being male or female and how girls and boys are socialized.
  2. Downtown eastside females on gender disparity
  3. The circumstances under which downtown eastside residents vanished are a mystery that has captivated the attention of people worldwide.
  4. Gender disparity and the status of women in Saudi Arabia
  5. Effects of gender disparity on contemporary American culture
  6. It’s not simply about ending harassment and the gender pay gap. As for those who disagree with the fact that one case’s resolution
  7. Examining the role of religion and culture in perpetuating gender inequality
  8. Therefore, to learn more about the subject, it is essential to explore the difficulties from several angles and discover the discourse’s connection to other problems and theories about gender.
  9. Straightforward suggestions for women’s rights essay topics
  10. Please put your trust in us to craft you a unique essay.
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  12. Women carpet weavers in Iran and the impact of globalization on gender inequality
  13. Inequality between the sexes as it now exists in the united states
  14. Considering the role of cultural barriers in preventing educational equity for women and girls
  15. The role of gender, race, and ethnicity in the Rwandan genocide
  16. The link between water scarcity and gender inequality
  17. Gender inequality and the unequal distribution of economic growth
  18. Multidimensional indicators of women’s unfair treatment
  19. Persistent disparities between men and women in the workplace
  20. Disparities between the sexes, as seen through the lens of the women’s rights movement
  21. The role of gender in international relations
  22. Disadvantages of gender disparity for women: the case of India and beyond

Best essay on gender equality topics

  1. Women’s place in contemporary society
  2. Mary Wollstonecraft’s “a defense of the rights of women,” Stuart mill’s “the oppression of women,” and analyzing gender roles in the media are all foundational texts in the critique of women’s place in society and culture.
  3. The advertisement’s message was straightforward: women may exert power over men by using their bodies in a specific way.
  4. Feminist theory and gender politics
  5. Brady’s article is full of sarcasm and repetition; to connect his thoughts and feelings to those of a young kid, the author adopts the tone of a child when describing his wife and children.
  6. Gender differences: femininity and masculinity
  7. The Artist’s depictions of 16th-century Portuguese explorers in Benin show a strong bias toward men and a conspicuous lack of female characters.
  8. Resolving workplace gender disparities
  9. Supervisors in any business need to account for gender differences in the workplace to effectively manage employees of both sexes.
  10. The conflict between the sexes at work
  11. However, a wave of societal change around the start of the twentieth century began to acknowledge and value a woman’s position as an equal contributor to society. Thus women. 
  12. Supernova’s postcolonial mood and its treatment of gender
  13. However, Dewi does not see the stated phrase as meaning that knowledge and power are interdependent. I was struck by the range of feelings that may be evoked by the simple words “gender issues and the term “queer.”
  14. Discourse takes on the function of power in the performative realm when it is tied to the ability to generate the name.
  15. The feminist movement and the question of gender
  16. However, a child’s future understanding of gender roles can be profoundly affected by the particulars of the relationships between heterosexual parents and the allocation of their duties in households.
  17. Discussion on sexuality and gender issues
  18. Men’s historical predominance in positions of power has contributed to a significant divide between the sexes.
  19. Confronting and overcoming the glass ceiling in the workplace
  20. If implemented, this policy will help eliminate discrimination against women at all levels of an organization, not just at the top. This new government strategy will need everyone’s help to implement it successfully.

Essay on gender stereotypes questions for study

  1. Exactly what forms does gender disparity take?
  2. Does gender disparity slow down progress and the economy?
  3. The meaning of gender disparity.
  4. How much of an impact does trade liberalization have on reducing gender inequality?
  5. Can you describe the most pressing problems associated with gender inequality?
  6. Consider the effects of sexism on modern catholicism.
  7. What factors affect gender disparity in Kenya’s households’ access to adequate food?
  8. To what group does gender disparity relate?
  9. Is there a root cause of unequal pay for women?
  10. Where do we see the most gender disparity?
  11. To what extent does gender parity affect society?
  12. Precisely what can be done to end the gender gap?


There has been a rise in the prevalence and popularity of research paper topics on gender inequality across various academic fields in recent years. Students in fields including psychology, sociology, business, and gender studies are often assigned research papers on the issue of gender inequality.

You can contact us at if you have been assigned a paper on a gender inequality essay but are struggling to come up with a suitable topic.


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