Grand Canyon – HLT 307V Discussions Solutions


HLT 307V Complete Discussions Solutions


HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 1 DQ 1

Academic integrity is at the heart of GCU’s values and is integral to our university community. According to the Center for Academic
Integrity, there are five fundamental values that are central to academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Before responding to this Discussion Question, view GCU’s website on Academic Integrity at

Pay special attention to the Policies and Resources section of this site.
Consider the following scenario: A student took a communication course his freshman year and passed it with a grade of A. Four
years later, the student is now taking a leadership course that has a similar assignment to one he completed his freshman year. He reuses one of his assignments and submits it as an assignment in his current, leadership class.

Is this considered a violation of academic integrity? Explain your answer with consideration given to the five fundamental values of
the Center for Academic Integrity and the specific policies of the Center.

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 1 DQ 2

The following is an excerpt from the textbook reading
Professionalism in Health Care:
“If you want to be viewed as a health care professional, you need to be aware of what’s going on in your industry… you need to be keep up with current trends and issues and consider how they might affect your job, your patients, your personal health, and your career.” (Makely, et. al, p. 5)

Give three reasons why it is important for health care professionals to be knowledgeable about what is happening in the health care industry. Provide at least two examples from your readings of ways to keep up with current trends and issues.

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 2 DQ 1

The vision statement of The Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions (ASAHP) says that it is “the unifying voice and leading
advocate for allied health education.” How does it define the allied health professions? How is this definition consistent with the interdependence described in this week’s reading from Professionalism in Health Care?

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 2 DQ 2

Hunt, in the article,”Patient-Centered Care and Cultural Practices: Process and Criteria for Evaluating Adaptations of Norms and Standards in Health Care Institutions,” writes, “Patient-centeredness suggests that health care providers and organizations adapt the services they provide to reflect the goals, needs and values of individual patients.”

What does this statement mean to you? Also, by simply making this statement, Hunt implies that patient-centeredness is not the norm. Why is something as important as this not the norm, particularly since the mission of health care institutions is to provide care to those who cannot care for themselves?

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 3 DQ 1

The focus of this week’s readings is interdisciplinary collaboration. How does Freshman, in the Collaborative Practice and Primary Care textbook, define interdisciplinary collaboration in health care organizations? Is this definition consistent with the current practice in your organization? What would need to change in order to improve interdisciplinary collaboration in your department?

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 3 DQ 2

Consider the following scenario and respond to the questions that follow.
“Three coworkers approach you, angry about a new policy being implemented within the organization. These three individuals are working to round up support to complain to management and they want you to get involved with their efforts.”Do

  1. the behaviors of your peers encourage or discourage respect in the workplace?
  2. How do you respond to your peers?
  3. How might you work to resolve the conflict?
  4. Is a resolution to this situation possible to all interested parties? (This includes the three coworkers, management, and you.) Discuss.

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 4 DQ 1

Define personal image and discuss why maintaining professionalism while on the job and after hours are important. Give at least two examples of ways health care provider’s exhibit professionalism in practice.

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 4 DQ 2

Consider the following scenario: Someone that you thought was your friend posted on a popular social networking site embarrassing photographs of you taken at a party last weekend. This was done without your knowledge or permission. The following day you receive a call from your employer asking you to meet with your boss and your HR department to discuss your behavior. What would you do? How could you have avoided this scenario?

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 5 DQ 1

Why must health care providers must grow as professionals? What benefits does this give to all interested parties (the organization, the
patients, and the health care providers themselves)? Make a list of at least five benefits and then pick two from among the list that you most closely identify with.  Explain how these two benefits may have impacted your own professional development.

HLT 307V Grand Canyon Week 5 DQ 2

Considering what you have learned throughout this course, what skills, behaviors or approaches might you apply in your organizational
setting either to improve patient care, or to advance your professional career? What can you do today to set your plans in motion?


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