Grand Canyon – HLT 317v All Week Discussions


HLT 317v Grand Canyon All Week Discussions


HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1

Explain the different types of research methodologies used in the health sciences. How would you apply one of these research methods in your workplace? Cite at least one reference to support your rationale using APA documentation.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2

While all allied health care professionals possess specialized knowledge of fields, applying that knowledge in the clinical setting requires each practitioner to view his or her role as a vital component of the greater whole, if cost-effective quality care is to be rendered.

After familiarizing yourself with content of the different views in the “Allied Health Community” media, select “Patient Process,” by selecting “Scenarios” and selecting “Patient Process,” located under the “Views” drop down window (Make sure that “Patient Process” is on the “ON” mode). This component of the media illustrates those allied health professions that have direct interactions with the patient.  Based on this media component, discuss the following:

  1. Why it is important for the practitioner of the health care profession to have a basic understanding of the collaborative team’s scope of practice and role in order to deliver cost-effective quality care?
  2. What communication skills would the practitioner need to learn in order to effectively communicate research with the collaborative team in order to achieve the desired outcomes?

When discussing communication skills with the collaborative team, consider one of the following situations:

  1. Communicating with people of different cultures, race, or gender.
  2. Communicating to achieve conflict resolution.
  3. Communicating to create team building.

How would you adapt your communication style in order to become more effective in achieving your desired outcome?
Cite at least one reference to support your rationale using APA documentation.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1

What is the meaning of reliability and validity as used in the research process? Provide specific examples of how they are used at your workplace.
Cite at least one reference to support your rationale using APA documentation.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2

Describe the importance of the Institutional Review Board to the research process.
Cite at least two references to support your rationale using APA documentation.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1

Compare and contrast the characteristics between qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. How would you apply each type of research methodology in your workplace?

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2

Choose a health care case study on ethical practices form your work environment or from a library article. Explain the basic ethical considerations in terms of informed consent, beneficence, truth telling, and deception.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1

How do you envision the role of federal, state, and local government in the ongoing efforts in the funding of and advocating for health care research?

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2

State your position on two of the following topics:

  • Access to Care
  • Quality of Care
  • Costs of Care
  • Ethical Practices
  • Value of Health
  • Wellness of the Population

Cite at least two references to support your rationale, using APA documentation.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1

Reimbursement in the future is projected to be based on customer satisfaction and positive outcome. Do you agree or disagree with this prediction?
Cite at least two references to support your rationale, using APA documentation.

HLT 317v Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 2

Patients often equate the quality of the service with the quality of health care. How can you change this perception using surveys and research?
Cite at least one reference to support your rationale, using APA documentation.


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