HLT 418V All Week Discussions Questions
HLT 418V Week 1 Discussion 1
There have been many issues regarding the need to reform the financing and payment systems of health care. Many different ideas have been tried and have failed. How would you design a better health care system for the U.S. population? Who would control the health care decisions? Would everyone be required to join? Who would control the costs of care? If the government provided the care, would malpractice lawsuits increase?
HLT 418V Week 1 Disscussion 2
What impact has health care reform had on the way you receive care for yourself or your family members?
HLT 418V Week 2 Discussion 1
There still are millions of Americans that do not have health care coverage. The elderly, the disabled, the young, and the poor have health care coverage under governmental programs such as the Affordable Care Act. As a patient advocate, you decide to take action. Design an outline for a community clinic to serve the uninsured with the following considerations:
How would you staff the clinic?
Where would the funding come from for a community clinic?
How could you involve evidence-based research in policy development for healthcare funding? Identify at least one strategy and support your rationale.
HLT 418V Week 2 Discussion 2
Access to care has been identified as one of the main roadblocks to receiving health care.
Present both sides of the following scenario:
Ms. A has been living in the same neighborhood for 25 years, does not speak English, and cannot drive. She worked years ago before she hurt her back and has been on disability for several years. She rarely seeks medical advice because she views health care providers as unfriendly and unhelpful to her needs. She knows she should exercise and take her medications on a regular basis, but she feels nothing will make her feel better.
As a health care professional who lives in Ms. A’s neighborhood, how would you assist her to better health? Consider your own cultural, ethnic, and health care beliefs before making judgments.
HLT 418V Week 3 Discussion Question 1
You want to return to school to advance in your profession. Financially you cannot do it at this time. Respond to the following:
Would you consider working for the National Service Corps for financial compensation in another area, another community, or in a designated poverty area? Why or why not?
If you accepted a position in another area that was unfamiliar to you, how would you prepare in advance to make the most out of the opportunity? Include the social and cultural aspects of the differences.
Would you consider working in one of these areas permanently?
HLT 418V Week 3 Discussion Question 2
As the population ages, the need for more health care professionals grows. Discuss what kind of workforce will be needed in the future to care for the elderly. What specialty will be in demand for the future? Where will the majority of care be delivered?
HLT 418V Week 4 Discussion Question 1
Access the Arizona State Board of Nursing website. Review the drug and alcohol assistance policy. Be sure to specifically address:
What is the name of the assistance program?
What does the assistance program expect to accomplish (what are its goals and why is it needed)?
After assessing the content of the program, do you think it is effective in addressing these behaviors?
Find another State Board of Nursing of your choice and compare and contrast the programs.
HLT 418V Week 4 Discussion Question 2
In the “Ten Lessons In Collaboration” by Gardner, some ideas for collaboration in the workplace. Do you agree with the importance of this collaboration? Why or why not?
How would your facility encourage collaboration with regular meetings or with policy to resolve conflict with unofficial resolution conflict management (an informal meeting)?
HLT 418V Week 5 Discussion Question 1
Do you consider telephonic or disease management programs that assign nursing personnel a patient population an effective way to treat chronic diseases? Why or why not?
HLT 418V Week 5 Discussion Question 2
Medicare has expanded to include medications for seniors under the Medicare Part D plan. Do you consider this an important part of health care coverage or another plan that the nation cannot afford? Explain.