How to MLA Format a Paper


The modern language association (MLA) publishes a handbook called the MLA handbook, which provides instructions on correctly structuring academic papers and citations using the MLA style. With the assistance of this condensed instruction, you can easily understand how to MLA format a paper by following the comprehensive directions, examples, and visual samples provided for you. The MLA citation format is not covered in this guide; therefore, please do not use it as a reference.

  • 12 points in times new roman
  • 1″ page margins
  • Double line spacing
  • Indent new paragraphs by half an inch.
  • The headers should be capitalized using the title case.

(If you want to utilize the google docs template, you’ll need to make a copy of the file and save it to your drive by selecting “file” and then “make a copy.”)

How to Setup MLA Format on Word

MLA format heading, then the title on the first page of your work, the header should be oriented to the left, as is required by the MLA style. Included in it are

  • Your complete given name
  • The name of your tutor or manager, if applicable
  • The designation of the class or its number
  • The date by which the assignment must be submitted.

After you have typed the MLA format header for the essay, press enters once, and then input the title of your work. Place the title in the center of the page, and be sure to capitalize it in the title case. Learn how to write compelling, informative, and suitable titles by reading the essay we’ve written on the subject.

How to MLA Format Header

When writing a paper that has more than one author, it is strongly recommended that you utilize a separate title page instead.

How to Write a Header in MLA Format

You must write your last name and the page number at the very top of every page, beginning with the very first page. The title for this section is the “running head.” to properly format the running head of your work using the MLA style, follow these steps in word or google docs on how to make a header in MLA format:

  • To get to the top of the page, double-click.
  • Put down your surname here.
  • Incorporate a system that automatically numbers pages.
  • Place the material so that it is aligned to the right.
  • The running head ought to have the following format:
  • Running head for the MLA
  • A page devoted to MLA format for citations

You will find the works cited list at the end of your work on a different page that follows the references section. Following the format of the alphabet, you list all of the sources referred to in your article. Do not include any sources that were not referenced in the body of the work, with the possible exception of an annotated bibliography assignment using the MLA format.

At the very top of the page, in the middle, you should type the words “works cited.” After adding the title, press the enter key and add your MLA references.

If a reference entry takes up more than one line, the first line of each subsequent line has to be indented half an inch (called a hanging indent). Every entry, just like the rest of the text, has two spaces between each line.

Creating MLA Format Citation

The MLA format generator online may assist you in properly citing your sources in MLA format. The citation generator will take care of the rest; all you need is the URL of the website, the ISBN of the book, or the doi of the journal article.

  • Webpage
  • Book
  • Video
  • Article from a journal
  • The brand new piece was found online.
  • Refer to a website by its URL.

Do you like to cite your sources instead manually? Utilize the following interactive example to understand better how the works cited entry and MLA in-text citation appear for various sources in the MLA format.

How to do MLA Format Heading, as well as the Subheadings

Even while headings and subheadings aren’t required, it’s a good idea to include them wherever possible because they assist keep your document organized and structured, especially for larger projects.

  • The modern language association (MLA) has minimal header formatting standards. They need to do so.
  • Be written with the titles capitalized.
  • Be left-aligned
  • Not end with a period in the end.

It is strongly suggested that the font, size, and capitalization be the same as the body content and that the title case is used. Subordinate sections should be written in italics, whereas headings for more prominent areas should be written in boldface.

ML format header example

Should have the following

  • Title of the chapter
  • Title of this section
  • Subheading

How to put the header in MLA format for both google docs and Microsoft word allow you to establish different heading levels, which you may use to maintain the consistency of your headings.

MLA format example

It is essential to position figures, which include tables and other illustrations, as closely as possible to the section of the text to which they pertain. Additionally, MLA sets standards for how they should be presented.

MLA format for tables

A descriptive title, a label, and a number for each table are included. Above the table, the tag and crown are each shown on their line; the brand and number are emphasized.

Below the table is a caption that provides information about the source; however, if the table is your work, you do not need to include a caption.

Below, any included explanatory remarks will appear and be indicated on the table’s appropriate area by a superscript letter. Your word processor ought to automatically apply this style to the notes, which consists of indenting the initial line of each message.

The content, similar to how it is formatted throughout the remainder of the work, should be double-spaced, and you should capitalize the title using the title case (but not for the caption or notes).

Table of the MLA

MLA format for figures

Figures, defined as any picture that is included in your paper but is not a table, are likewise labeled and numbered; however, in this case, this information is contained in the caption located below the image. In this particular instance, the caption is likewise centered.

MLA Format Citation Example

After the figure number and a semicolon come an abbreviated version of the word “figure,” which is written as “fig.” the remaining portion of the caption provides either comprehensive source information or, as is the case in this particular illustration, merely basic descriptive details on the image (author, title, publication year).

MLA Figure

The references may be found in the captions of the tables and figures.

If the complete source information is included in the table’s caption or figures you have included in your work, then you do not need to include that source in the results credited list since it is already cited in the caption.

Provide complete source information for your MLA format essay in the caption using the same format as you would for the works cited list, with the exception that the author’s name should not be inverted (i.e., John smith, not smith, john).

Bottom Line

In MLA format, you are required to provide an item in the works cited for that source, even if the caption offers the essential information, as in the example of the graphic above. In this instance, you need to ensure that the caption has at least enough information—the author and the (abbreviated) title—to direct the reader to the appropriate item in the works cited section of the paper. If you struggle with MLA formatting, you can reach us at

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