List of the Best Synthesis Essay Topics


Most essays for high school and college classes require students to synthesize information and present it in an organized manner. Writing a synthesis essay requires specific skills, but choosing the right topic is also essential.

If you are not restricted to a specific list of assigned topics, we highly advise that you use our suggestions and choose one of the trendy synthesis essay topics we have already brainstormed for you. We considered essential requirements to college-level writing that professors of US colleges share when compiling this list of trendy topics for synthesis essays.

How to choose topics to write a synthesis essay

In many cases, teachers assign the topic or allow students to select from a limited number of options. Nonetheless, some professors who take a more progressive approach to education give students freedom. This could not be easy. Concentrating on a single topic is complex when the options are numerous. We advise students who face difficult decisions to impose their constraints:

•        The topic should be interesting

The considered synthesis essay ideas should pique your interest. Students who select interesting topics are more likely to devote sufficient time to research.

•        The topic should not be too broad

The more complex the considered topics for the synthesis essay should be, the shorter the essay.

•        The subject should be debatable

The best synthesis of essay topic ideas causes people to disagree or hesitate between the options available. If there is already agreement on the topic, it is no need to be examined.

  • The subject should be negotiable

You should select synthesis topics that are both interesting and feasible to research. There is little point in investigating issues that are already obvious or unchangeable. Instead, look for topics with the potential for change and opportunities for negotiable improvement.

We are here to assist you if you are still having problems deciding on a topic. We recommend using our free topic generator for writing to develop a topic that fully meets your personal preferences. We’ve also compiled a list of popular topics to help you develop relevant synthesis essay ideas.

Good topics for synthesis essay

Below is a list of the best topics for a synthesis essay based on the criteria mentioned. The topics are presented in groups to demonstrate how to narrow a broad topic down to a more focused one.

Interesting synthesis of essay topics on social media

  • Does Facebook cause people to be less social?
  • How does Instagram influence black beauty standards and African American girls’ self-representation?
  • What impact does social media have on the academic performance of children aged 10 to 17?
  • Is Facebook a threat to people’s privacy?
  • Does YouTube influence young people’s purchasing habits?
  • How has social media influenced eating habits?
  • Does Instagram encourage stereotypes?
  • How does the amount of time youth spend online affect their overall happiness?
  • Do online communities affect people’s feelings of belonging? How?
  • How has social media affected the journalistic profession?

Synthesis essay topics example in education

  • What effect do dress codes have on students’ academic performance?
  • Should K-12 school teachers be allowed to carry firearms on campus?
  • Should higher education be provided for free?
  • Does the availability of distance education affect the number of college students on campus?
  • How do racial biases affect annual college admissions?
  • What is the effect of the school-to-prison pipeline on the African American community?
  • A sound synthesis of essay topics on global warming
  • Global warming and renewable energy: how effective can mitigation efforts be?
  • In what way does the American way of life contribute to global warming?
  • How can the United States take the lead in addressing the issue of global warming?
  • How successful have conservation efforts been in preventing the extinction of terrestrial species due to global warming?

College synthesis essay on technology

  • Do violent video games influence real-world violence?
  • The dangers do drones pose to personal privacy?
  • Do modern computer technologies contribute to the wealth disparity?
  • Intelligent cities and modern technology: How will changes in transportation systems affect cities?
  • The advancement of professional game players to the level of professional athletes: how does big money influence the advancement of specific technologies?
  • How has artificial intelligence changed the workplace over the last decade?
  • Does artificial intelligence contribute to the overproduction problem?
  • What impact does machine learning have on business productivity?
  • Does technology foster an entertainment culture?

Explanatory synthesis essay topics on society

  • Is a college education required in the context of current employment patterns?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished in the United States?
  • Should voting be compulsory in the United States?
  • Should the production and sale of tobacco be made illegal?
  • Do national security concerns justify the United States’ transformation into a surveillance society?
  • Is today’s juvenile justice system contributing to the school-to-prison pipeline?
  • Should parents prohibit their children from viewing violent content?
  • How does the modern workplace influence the behavior of minority workers?
  • Is modern American society as supportive of women as it is of men?
  • How should educators and legislators deal with minority group representatives who do not conform to mainstream behavior patterns?

Controversial topics for synthesis essay on medicine and health

  • Should marijuana be legalized in the United States?
  • Should sugary drinks be made illegal in the United States due to their adverse effects on human health?
  • Is it permissible to test new drugs on animals ethically?
  • Should insurance cover cosmetic surgery?
  • Should all US citizens be entitled to free medical care?
  • Is the current US healthcare system sustainable?
  • Should insurance cover alternative medicines?
  • How does the fact that US citizens seek healthcare in other countries characterize the US healthcare system?
  • Can routine activities help people improve their health and avoid going to the doctor?
  • What effects does poverty have on children’s health?

Fun synthesis essay topics on art and literature

  • Is graffiti considered artwork?
  • Do modern graphic video games qualify as works of art?
  • How does musical training affect attention and concentration while learning?
  • What is the role of art in everyday life?
  • What social tendencies have the most influence on the transformation of cinematography?
  • Is there a distinction between fact and fiction?
  • Should TV commercials be considered art?
  • Is it better to read a paper book or listen to an audiobook?
  • Should electronic libraries completely replace physical libraries?
  • Does fiction advance society or divert attention away from pressing social and environmental issues?

Argumentative synthesis essay topics on morality and ethics

  • How does complaining affect people’s happiness?
  • Should people be concerned about the health and working conditions of those who make their clothes?
  • Is it true that nature is more important than nurture?
  • Should convicted felons be allowed to vote?
  • Should people think about a company’s long-term viability before purchasing its products?
  • Should governments all over the world require animal-free circuses?
  • How much influence do people have over their future?

The US Legal System and Justice System Essay

  • What can be done to alleviate prison overcrowding?
  • Should prostitution be legalized, or should it be illegal?
  • What impact does the over-representation of African Americans in US correctional facilities have on the African American community?
  • Should the United States Constitution be interpreted literally or as a living document?
  • Why are African American males overrepresented in the United States justice system?
  • Are poor people more likely than wealthy people to end up in prison?
  • Does the three strikes law disproportionately affect people of color?

Essay on Immigration, the American Dream, and Cultural Synthesis

  • How attainable is the American Dream today for the average American?
  • How does immigration affect the US economy?
  • Do illegal immigrants reduce job opportunities for US citizens?
  • Should the United States limit immigration?
  • How does culture contribute to gender inequality in American society?
  • Should schools increase teacher racial diversity to promote equality in culturally diverse classrooms?
  • How can racially diverse communities foster cultural understanding among members of different racial groups?
  • What is required to become colorblind?
  • How do mainstream body standards influence minority boys’ and girls’ behavior?
  • How can we control the culture of online shaming?

Tips for Proper Formatting

Because synthesis writing relies heavily on analysis and multiple sources, it is critical to source each piece of information to avoid plagiarism accusations. The task frequently dictates the choice of documentation style, and professors usually clarify this requirement.

To avoid plagiarism, you should follow some general rules, whether you use MLA, APA, Chicago, or another format. If you take synthesis essay topics with sources, put them in quotation marks and cite them appropriately. However, remember that you should present most of the content in your own words, with as few direct quotes as possible.

Although cited information should still be cited, quotation marks are not required. It is usually simple to present information in your own words. People do this all the time in their everyday communications. However, rephrasing some content can be difficult, especially if you are short on time.


Now you can select the best synthesis essay topics for you and write the entire essay using the tips provided. Remember to properly cite all quoted and paraphrased information to avoid plagiarism accusations. If you have further questions, our writers and editors can assist you. Our writers have written synthesis essays for a variety of purposes.


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