Grand Canyon – MGT 655 All Week Discussions


MGT 655 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 1 Discussion 1

With respect to a firm’s supply chain design, what are some key challenges in terms of achieving an optimal level of mass customization?

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 1 Discussion 2

Articulate key aspects of operations management. Explain why operations management is important to managers in various organizational areas. Please provide specific examples.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 2 Discussion 1

Why is operations management relevant to managers in other organization functions? Base your discussion on your experience of operations within your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. For example, talk with the operations manager in your organization and find out what she says, what she does, and how she works with the organization’s marketing, financial, personnel, and purchasing functions.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 2 Discussion 2

What constitutes quality, speed, dependability, and flexibility in the following operations: a university library, a university sports center, and a university restaurant?

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 3 Discussion 1

Comment on the project management profession. What business areas contribute to the field of project management? Please provide some examples.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 3 Discussion 2

Articulate key aspects of operations management. Explain why operations management is important to managers in various organizational areas. Please provide specific examples.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 4 Discussion 1

Discuss capacity planning in services industries and how labor capacity constraints can be managed in a service organization. Please provide specific examples.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 4 Discussion 2

Describe the importance of learning curves in a services-based operation and how they can be used to increase organization efficiency. Please provide a specific example(s).

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 5 Discussion 1

Review the “Noodles and Company – Service Process Design” video at See also Could Noodles restaurant’s service operation be successful by combining the characteristics of the three contrasting service designs presented in Chapter 9 of the text? Why or why not? Provide examples.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 5 Discussion 2
Identify how production processes are organized in atypical manufacturing organization. What are some specific examples?

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 6 Discussion 1

Discuss the strategic importance of layout decisions. How can a particular layout impact a company’s strategic goals? Provide some specific examples from industry.

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 6 Discussion 2

Discuss several advantages of using the M/M/1 waiting line queuing model. Clearly explain the reasons for your choices.’

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 7 Discussion 1

Compare and contrast the characteristics of Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, and ISO9000. What are the differences? What are the commonalties?

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 7 Discussion 2

Evaluate the various aspects of the cost of quality. What are some specific examples?

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 8 Discussion 1

Pick a particular company. Based on your choice, describe how an efficient supply chain can result in increased competitive advantage for this company

MGT 655 Grand Canyon Module 8 Discussion 2

What is the purpose of inventory? How does inventory management impact operations performance objectives? Provide specific examples.



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