Grand Canyon – NRS 434V All Weeks Discussion Questions


NRS 434V All Weeks Discussion Questions


NRS 434V Week 1 Discussion 1

Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births. Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, ongoing care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity).

Identify at least one support service within your community for preterm infants and their families. Provide the link for your colleagues to view. Does the service adequately address the needs of this population? Explain your answer.

NRS 434V Week 1 Discussion 2

You are the registered nurse performing a health assessment on a newborn infant. From the functional health pattern portion of the assessment, you learn the mother is reluctant to breastfeed her baby. How do you respond?

Explain the approach you will take to ensure adequate nutrition for the newborn, with or without breastfeeding. Provide rationale for your answer.

NRS 434V Week 2 Discussion 1

Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups (infant, toddler, preschool, or school age) and discuss the types of abuse that are most often seen in this age.

Discuss warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse.

NRS 434V Week 2 Discussion 2

Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that predispose communities and populations to injury, illness, and death. These factors are not always visible to those in positions to educate or affect change. View the video: “Lunchbox Differences in Decile 1 and Decile 10 Schools.” The video can be accessed using the following link:

Describe the concerns depicted by researchers. What relationship does this have to injury, illness, and death in the school-aged child?

NRS 434V Week 3 Discussion 1

As adolescents separate from their parents and gain a sense of control, sometimes they are unable to balance stresses. As a result, depression may occur, and, at times, suicide may be the outcome. Choose the topic of either adolescent depression or adolescent suicide.

Discuss contributing factors and signs and symptoms that may be observed or assessed in these clients. Describe primary, secondary, and tertiary methods of health prevention for this topic. Research community and state resources and describe at least two of these for your chosen topic. What nursing interventions could you use to assist an adolescent you suspect is depressed beyond referring the adolescent
to a state or community resource?

NRS 434V Week 3 Discussion 2

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation due to the serious health risks that this creates for the mother, the baby, and society at large. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

NRS 434V Week 4 Discussion 1

Using the patient information provided, respond to the following questions: (a) What cultural considerations are important for you to remember while you interview Ms. Li? (b) What is the Abuse Assessment screen? (c) If abuse is discovered, what should you do?

Patient Information:


Sue Li



NRS 434V Week 4 Discussion 2

For middle-aged adults, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose three health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage.

Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

NRS 434V Week 5 Discussion 1

Describe the elements of a comprehensive health assessment of a geriatric patient. What special considerations should the nurse keep in
mind while performing this assessment?

NRS 434V Week 5 Discussion 2

End-of-life care becomes an issue at some point for elderly clients. Even with the emergence of palliative care programs and hospice
programs, the majority of elderly people do not die in their own homes as is their preference. What are the reasons for this trend? Discuss what you can do as a nurse to support your clients in end-of-life care and in supporting their desires. Support your response with evidence-based literature.


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