Grand Canyon – PHI 105 Week 6 Complete Work


PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Complete Work PHI105  

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1

What is the difference between persuasion and manipulation? Describe a time when you have encountered or used one or both of these.

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 2

Think of a metaphor for something that is commonly used in everyday speech. (ex. a metaphor for losing your job, is being “pink slipped.”) You may not post the same metaphor as someone else. Describe what could happen if someone doesn’t use critical thinking when encountering that metaphor. How would using critical thinking make this a better situation for the individual?

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Assignment 1

Types of Communication Table


Complete the “Types of Communication Table.”

GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a grading rubric that can be viewed at the assignment’s drop box. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Types of Communication Table

In order to write a quality persuasive essay that incorporates critical thinking you must include a mixture of informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements because to persuade someone you must:

a) Inform them about the topic

b) Explain your argument

c) Persuade your audience to your point of view.


Use the table below to do the following:

a) Choose a concept and write an informative statement, an explanatory statement, and a persuasive statement for the concept in the appropriate boxes. An example has been completed for you in red.

b) In part b of the table, select a concept from the draft of your persuasive essay and provide an example of one informative statement, one explanatory statement, and one persuasive statement based on the concept you chose.

c) As discussed in the module lecture, language is intertwined with critical thinking. In part c of the table, in 200-250 words explain the relationship between informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements and critical thinking.


Informative: (Just the facts)

Explanatory: (Description of the facts)

Persuasive: (Position on the facts)

Example Concept


Baseball is a sport involving 9 players positioned in various places on a field, who are attempting to keep the other team from advancing bases.

There are many ways to score runs in baseball. The most efficient way is for your team to get a series of base hits eventually bringing runners home. In order to do this, players must have good hitting ability, running ability, and judgment.

Quality pitchers are more important than power hitters, because keeping runs off the board could give the pitcher’s team more opportunity win. Teams that have better pitchers almost always end up being the better team.

Part A: Concept of your Choice

Part B: Concept selected from your persuasive essay

Part C: In 200-250 words explain the relationship between informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements and critical thinking

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Assignment 2

Persuasive Essay: Peer Review Worksheet


1- Review the media piece “Peer Review Using Rubrics.”

2- Follow the directions outlined in the media piece to complete the learning activity designed to provide practice using a rubric when peer reviewing a paper.

3- Review the first draft of the person who posted his/her response directly below yours in the Peer Review forum. If your draft is the last posted, review the first draft posted.

4- Complete the “Peer Review Worksheet.”

5- Copy and paste the completed Peer Review to the peer review forum as a “reply” to the initial post of your peer’s first draft. Do not post the worksheet as an attachment.

6- Submit the completed worksheet to your instructor as well.

Review the grading checklist for this assignment included in the worksheet to ensure successful completion.

Top of Form, Bottom of Form

Grading Criteria

The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

1) First draft of paper posted to the Peer Review form in a timely fashion.

2) Each section of Peer Review Worksheet is completed.

3) Feedback provided to peer is positive and useful.

4) Directions followed for providing completed Peer Review to the appropriate peer.


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