Tag Archives: hlt 312v all week discussions


Grand Canyon – HLT 312V All Week Discussions Solutions

HLT 312V All Week Discussions Solutions


HLT-312v Week 1 Discussion 1

What is ethics? Why is it important? What does it mean to be ethically fit? After reviewing the major theories of ethics, with which perspective do you most agree and why? What guides your moral decisions?

HLT-312v Week 1 Discussion 2

What are the three “right versus right” paradigms? Give a personal example of one of these paradigms.

HLT-312v Week 2 Discussion 1

Analyze the health care status of a specific minority group. Choose a particular minority group that is represented in the United States and compare its health status to the national average. What is the current health status of this minority group? What barriers to treatment and health care exist? How does race, socioeconomic status, or gender determine the quality of health care in the United States?

HLT-312v Week 2 Discussion 2

What is HIPAA and how has this affected health care? What rights to privacy should patients have?

HLT-312v Week 3 Discussion 1

Discuss the pros and cons of having “designer babies.” In what ways might this become a social, economic, class, racial, or prejudicial system? Will it truly improve society? How does the issue of cloning impact the future of reproduction?

HLT-312v Week 3 Discussion 2

What ethical issues surround embryonic stem-cell research? Should the president have limited federal stem-cell research? Are other alternatives such as adult stem cell and placenta as effective? Why or why not?

HLT-312v Week 4 Discussion 1

Should alcoholics be given liver transplants? Why or why not? What are the ethical issues involved in organ transplant?

HLT-312v Week 4 Discussion 2

Is health care a right? Should the United States have universal health care? Why or why not?

HLT-312v Week 5 Discussion 1

Assess the ethical issues surrounding end-of-life decisions. How has the living will affected medical response and why is this important for guiding end-of-life decisions? Should families be able to impact how and if a person’s living will is carried out? Should parents have the right to choose to end the life of their child if the child has Down Syndrome?

HLT-312v Week 5 Discussion 2

What would be the implications for society if physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia were legal in all states? What would be the benefits to the patient and what dangers would exist?


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