Tag Archives: Persuasive Speech Topics About Health


179+ Best Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

Medical students are often required to prepare college speeches on different themes offered by lecturers. Medical grads are expected to select the best medical persuasive speech topics to guide you through the speech. However, the students cannot locate engaging and current health themes on which to write their medical science speech.

Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

As a result, Students Assignment Help experts have provided free suggestions for medical persuasive speech themes in nursing, psychology, and other health-related fields. Follow the outline provided and complete your persuasive speech for college on time. The nursing persuasive speech themes are straightforward and intriguing so that students may write speeches on them.

Features of Good Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

It is important to note that you will almost certainly be assigned to prepare a persuasive speech in medical school.

The first stage in writing such assignments is generally to generate a list of fascinating persuasive speech themes from which you may choose the most appropriate one to investigate.

Medical persuasive essay topics have the following characteristics:

1) Should be Exciting

This is one of the most significant aspects to consider while selecting medical persuasive speech themes.

Keep in mind that the subject should properly pique your attention.

It would help if you hunted for exciting persuasive speech ideas to keep it engaging.

You should, however, guarantee that, in addition to engaging, the issue is practical in terms of its scope and intricacy.

Topics for speeches that are either difficult or too simple should be avoided.

In conclusion, excellent medical persuasive speech themes should concentrate on the appropriate study scope, provide a powerful argument, and encourage a healthy debate.

Finding such themes necessitates extensive investigation into many fields of medical practice before deciding on a specific issue.

2) It should be one-of-a-kind

This is yet another crucial element of effective medical persuasive speech themes. It is concerned with the topic’s uniqueness.

As a result, medical speech themes for kids should not be overused. This necessitates avoiding already discussed argumentative essay topics.

As a result, some persuasive speech examples you should avoid looking at include themes such as euthanasia, marijuana legalization, and abortion.

Explore regions on trendy medical themes to assist you in coming up with new and enjoyable persuasive speech ideas.

3) It must be appealing to the target audience

Another crucial characteristic of strong medical persuasive speech themes. It necessitates that you make certain that the issue appeals to the viewers.

As a result, while choosing a speech subject to write about, keep the audience in mind.

Your subject should be relevant to your intended audience. For example, if you target first-year college students, you should opt for simple speech subjects.

Medical speech subjects for students should, in turn, represent their degree of knowledge and expertise.

For the speech to be compelling, the target audience’s interests and expertise must be considered.

4) It should be relevant

This is one of the most crucial characteristics of effective medical persuasive speech themes.

It requires that your speech subject is appropriate for the particular occasion.

Regardless of how entertaining persuasive speech ideas are, they must be appropriate for the occasion.

For example, fascinating persuasive speech themes on autism may not be appropriate for a diabetic event.

Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

1) Patients with severe pain should be permitted to consume marijuana.

2) Streamlining food safety would increase access to appropriate nutrients.

3) To support healthy living, people should restrict their meat consumption.

4) Through therapy, a person’s drug addiction may be stopped by removing his mind from his negative state of mind.

5) All individuals above the age of 12 should be taught CPR.

6) Smoking close to others is dangerous.

7) Blood cancer patients who have had bone marrow transplantation get no benefit.

8) Even with therapy, drug addiction is a tough habit to break for those who are affected by it.

9) College cafeterias should only provide nutritious cuisine.

10) To lengthen their lifespans, city dwellers should replicate rural life as much as possible.

11) Compared to typical children, children with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate on their studies.

12) Helmets and other safety precautions should not be neglected.

13) Access to healthcare services may save society a substantial amount of money.

14) Effective management of the fast-food sector needs more regulations.

15) To optimize treatment outcomes, smoking should be prohibited for all surgical patients in recovery.

16) Using the appropriate quantity of salt will influence your health.

17) Maintaining a robust immune system is essential.

18) Suggestions for maintaining a healthy diet

19) A comprehensive analysis of the hazards of fast food

Interesting Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

1) Adoption of euthanasia might aid in the reduction of suicide rates.

2) Asthma treatment should primarily focus on improving air quality.

3) Alternative medication: Facts and urban legends

4) Atkins does not increase weight loss.

5) Doctors are unable to treat a patient with inadequate cognitive development.

6) Achieving the same impact as psychological treatment.

7) To protect a nurse’s human rights, the government should establish the maximum number of hours she may work at a hospital.

8) Is biohacking beneficial to one’s health?

9) Doctors constantly see nurses as inferior and continue to abuse them along professional lines.

10) The consequences of excessive sugar consumption

11) Are physicians’ compensation plans sufficient?

12) Does the expression “cheap is always costly” apply to medicine?

13) Primarily, helicopter ambulances should be employed for road accidents and fires.

14) People should avoid fast-food restaurants to promote a healthy lifestyle.

15) In contemporary medicine, the stomach is stapled.

16) Cancer is not characterized by its symptoms; rather, it manifests via a variety of other disorders

17) Should we impose severe penalties on drivers who do not use seatbelts?

18) Stress and worry are the greatest threats to the heart and should be avoided with the utmost diligence.

19) Alzheimer’s disease should be classified as an illness requiring extensive care.

20) Physical activity is the easiest strategy to prevent illness.

Medical Speech Topic Ideas

1) Regular medical examinations might lower the risk of premature mortality.

2) Schools should provide a program on sexual education for adolescents.

3) Patients with severe pain should be permitted to consume marijuana.

4) People with diabetes should not participate in physically demanding labour.

5) To support healthy living, people should restrict their meat consumption.

6) As mental health impacts everyone, society must innovate more in this area.

7) The architecture of cities should encourage cycling to promote healthy lifestyles among citizens.

8) To lengthen their lifespans, city dwellers should replicate rural lifestyles as much as possible.

9) People should avoid fast-food restaurants to promote a healthy life.

10) Effective management of the fast-food business requires more regulations.

11) Prohibiting drug and substance advertising might aid in resolving the addiction issue.

12) As a means of enhancing their health, individuals must make time for sufficient sleep.

13) Improving air quality should be the major strategy for asthma treatment.

14) Steroids in all animal diets must be prohibited.

15) The legalization of euthanasia might aid in the reduction of suicide rates.

16) Smoking should be prohibited for all recuperating surgical patients to enhance treatment outcomes.

17) The significance of organ donation to the overall health and well-being of society.

18) Vaccines should be the major focus for treating developing viral illnesses.

19) Plastic surgery should be limited to genuine medical purposes alone.

20) Individuals should avoid diet tablets as a remedy for their nutritional issues.

Medical Topics for Informative Speech

1) The age might impair a woman’s capacity to give birth.

2) Air ambulances are successful in preventing road accident-related fatalities.

3) All eateries should disclose the contents of their meals to avoid adverse reactions.

4) Alzheimer’s disease should be classified as a condition requiring extensive care.

5) Advice for individuals beginning their fitness journey

6) Is there an appropriate age to begin using contraceptive medication?

7) Atkins Spinal disk does not accelerate weight reduction. Concerns and their relevance to the back ailment

8) Frequent tooth brushing is not sufficient for oral hygiene.

9) Not because of your appearance, should you pursue cosmetic surgery?

10) How can the number of suicides be reduced? Legalizing euthanasia

11) The high radiation levels emitted by mobile phones constitute a considerable danger

12) Significant effect of computer usage on strain injuries

13) Helmets and other safety precautions should not be neglected.

14) Are physicians’ compensation plans sufficient?

15) Consumes our generation “too much?”

16) Are present limitations on drug advertising sufficient?

17) How much do we understand about food additives?

18) Does the expression “cheap is always costly” apply to medicine?

19) Should every individual donate an organ?

Persuasive Speech Topics About Health

1) Should dental insurance be required?

2) Should we impose severe penalties on drivers who do not use seatbelts?

3) Contraceptives and their ability to save lives

4) Diabetes and output performance

5) Physical activity is the easiest strategy to prevent illness.

6) Food allergy needs to be regarded as a sickness.

7) How well can school distribution of contraception reduce adolescent pregnancy and other sexually related issues?

8) How to maintain good health as a teen

9) Effectiveness of charitable gifts to Alzheimer’s organizations

10) How can junk food be made healthier?

11) Is sleepwalking deadly

12) A comprehensive analysis of the hazards of fast food

13) In contemporary medicine, the stomach is stapled.

14) Developing healthy habits for a lifetime

15) High heels are detrimental to health

Excellent Medical Persuasive Speech

1) Teenagers should have access to contraceptive tablets.

2) To better serve society’s health requirements and interests, the pharmaceutical business should be more strictly controlled.

3) Breastfeeding should be encouraged for the maximum number of suggested months.

4) Stomach stapling must be avoided under any circumstances.

5) Patients with terminal illnesses should volunteer for research initiatives.

6) People should concentrate on improving their interior air quality to improve their health.

7) The consumption of birth control tablets should be controlled.

8) Appropriate nutrition throughout infancy might help prevent future health problems.

9) Appropriate treatment strategies might aid in reducing the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder in troops

10) People should follow a healthy diet to lower their risk of a heart attack.

11) Insurance and dental care services should be properly integrated into primary care.

Persuasive Essay Topics Medical Field

1) Proper access to healthcare services may save society a substantial amount of money.

2) Food allergy needs to be classified as a disease.

3) The government should provide more funds to combat childhood obesity.

4) Couples with infertility should be encouraged to use alternative treatment

5) People should drink more water to boost their health.

6) Society must concentrate on generics as a means of minimizing the expense of therapy.

7) The government must fully support and execute a universal healthcare policy

8) Programs for organ transplantation should favor children.

9) People must regularly check their blood pressure to prevent cardiovascular issues.

10) Food safety should be simplified to provide access to appropriate nutrition.

Good Persuasive Speech Topics in Medical

1) Choosing the correct friends might save your life one day.

2) How successful are sexually explicit commercials in schools?

3) Medicine-free longevity

4) It is dangerous to smoke in front of other people.

5) Suggestions for a Healthy Diet

6) Is it possible to make healthy junk food?

7) Laughter is beneficial to one’s health.

8) Are we knowledgeable about medications and their adverse effects?

9) Is it preferable to chew or smoke tobacco?

10) The issue surrounding medical marijuana

11) Should pharmaceutical companies be more open?

12) Benefits of Organ Donation

13) Asthma may be prevented by increasing global air quality.

14) Organs from neonates who have lost their brains should not be given.

15) Birth control medications are not clinically safe.

Medical Persuasive Essay Topics

1) Does clinical psychology have a significant influence on the treatment of dyslexic patients?

2) Clinical psychology makes bringing a depressed patient back to life relatively simple.

3) It is not feasible to cure a person with anxiety and other phobias alone via medication; psychological treatment is also essential.

4) Clinical psychology may help a patient suffering from excessive drinking.

5) Clinical psychology may assist cure autism and asparagus syndrome to a large degree.

6) Doctors cannot cure a person experiencing poor cognitive growth in the same way that psychological treatment may.

7) Clinical psychology may cure half of all psychological issues better than allopathy or another standard method of treating psychological illnesses.

8) COVID-19 Can Cause Psychosis?

9) Today, the number of fatalities caused by cancer disorders is growing.

10) Cancer does not have its symptoms; rather, it manifests itself via the symptoms of other illnesses.

11) Only bad cholesterol is harmful to the heart and the human body, not good cholesterol.

12) Trans fats, prevalent in packaged foods, should be avoided to keep your heart healthy indefinitely.

13) A high sugar level in the blood causes indirect damage to the heart and blood vessels.

14) Fainting and early weariness are caused by a low amount of red blood cells in human blood.

15) A healthy heart requires a balanced diet that contains an optimal combination of carbs, proteins, and lipids.

Persuasive Speech Topics for Medical Students In Nursing

1) Patients with extreme pain should be permitted to consume marijuana.

2) Top things to do to enhance the way your body and brain work

3) Nonsmokers should be prioritized on organ transplant waiting lists.

4) The government should completely support and execute a universal healthcare policy.

5) Plastic surgery should not be pursued just for the sake of beauty.

6) Breastfeeding should be encouraged for as many months as feasible.

7) For infertile couples, alternative medicine should be supported.

8) Laughter is beneficial to one’s health.

9)Is there a certain age at which you should start using contraception?

10) Food allergies should be classified as a sickness.

11) As a means of lowering treatment costs, society should prioritize generics.


Good persuasive speech themes might be tough to develop, but we’ve gathered an excellent idea for you to peruse in this guide. The best medical persuasive speech topics will be about a subject that interests you, are not overdone, and are about anything your audience is interested in. After you’ve decided on a subject, keep the following three suggestions in mind while you write your persuasive speech:

Conduct your research

Consider all possibilities.

Understand your target market


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