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100 Best Ethical Argument Topics for Your Next Paper

What we consider morally acceptable is the basis for our code of ethics. On top of that, we are expected to adhere to the ethical norms set by the society in which we now reside. Theft, murder, and harassment are all considered negative behaviors by conventional standards. However, there are a variety of factors that affect the ethical choices we make and the way we perceive ethics. The study of moral problems focuses on the philosophical subfield known as ethics. This page gives an overview of the three distinct classifications of ethics, as well as a list of Ethical Argument Topics.

What is an ethical argument paper?

You might be wondering what an ethical argument paper is? Or have no idea how to write about ethics, and you have no clue which ethical argument subject you should select for your paper. Perhaps the due date for your work is hovering over you like a dark cloud. When the occasion calls for it, the professional writers at nursingpapersmarket.com will gladly assist you in composing an outstanding essay on ethics.

Various forms of ethics

You might be wondering how to write an ethical argument paper, but first, it is important to understand the various forms of ethics that act as the foundation for your writing. Again, this will also assist you in arriving at the best ethics topic.

Below are some various forms of ethics;

  • The study of ethics in contemporary philosophy may be broken down into three categories: metaethics, normative, and applied ethics.
  • In metaethics, the fundamental issue that has to be answered is, “what is morality, and where does it originate from?” in addition to this, it is interested in the development of human values, as well as human motivation and reasoning.
  • The goal of the normative approach to ethics is to provide a solution to the question, “how should I behave?” one example of a normative moral theory is Kant’s categorical imperative, which states that individuals should only act following those maxims that allow them to want that they should become universal laws simultaneously. In other words, show some compassion.
  • The field of applied ethics examines how moral principles should be applied to contentious issues that arise in everyday life. Its subject matter varies and may range from criminal justice to bioethics. It examines certain deeds and ways of doing things from the perspective of their moral acceptability.
  • However, these three categories of ethics are not the end of the subject of ethics. Philosophers have developed various ethical ideas over many centuries. Their four primary classifications are virtue ethics, deontological ethics, practical ethics, and proper ethics.
  • A person with a set of moral responsibilities they will not adhere to in any circumstance is called a deontologist. When confronted with a conflict of ethics, they will always behave according to their self-proclaimed commitments.
  • A choice must be one that will be of the most significant benefit to most people for a utilitarian to support it.
  • If a right is the foundation of an ethical system, then protecting those rights should be the priority. A society’s legal system can be the source of a person’s rights or for one person to provide those rights to another.
  • When we judge someone based on their virtue, we look at their character rather than their deeds. In this situation, an individual’s reputation, motivation, and ethical standards are essential factors.
  • You are in an excellent position to begin your ethics paper now that you are familiar with the fundamentals.

Good essay topics on ethics

  1. The conflict between religious beliefs and medical care
  2. Problems that arise from unpaid internships
  3. The toxic atmosphere at the place of employment
  4. The difficult choice of whether or not to report an accident
  5. Should one be able to keep their political views to themselves?
  6. The boundaries of confidentiality between a healthcare provider and a patient
  7. Is it immoral to reward children monetarily for achieving specific academic goals?
  8. Concerning issues of ethics in the workplace as well as discrimination
  9. Should employees be permitted to use social media while at work?
  10. Encouragement of ecologically responsible behavior in commercial enterprises

Ethics essay topic ideas

Ethical dilemmas arise whenever a person is put in a position where they must choose the appropriate behavior to adopt in a certain circumstance. The essays written on this subject provide light on some challenging problems. Therefore, students must provide a persuasive argument in support of their stance.

  1. Let’s talk about what we should do about climate change.
  2. What are the ethical issues associated with having an abortion?
  3. Research the beauty industry’s reliance on plastic in various forms.
  4. Is it possible to have a lot of money without acting unethically?
  5. Should you purchase nestlé goods despite the firm’s investment in water privatization?
  6. Is it immoral to distribute riches unequally among different people?
  7. Discuss how sexism should be taken into consideration by workplace ethics.
  8. To what extent should the right to privacy be extended to everyone?
  9. Should students be exposed to religion in school?
  10. What moral considerations come into play when one downloads anything from the internet?

Topics for essays on computer ethics

The proliferation of information and communication technologies has impacted every facet of our lives. The application of classical moral ideas to issues about computers and cyber security is what is known as computer ethics. The following list discusses a variety of fascinating ethical issues that are associated with the field of computers.

  1. Should it cost money to use any software?
  2. What steps must be taken to ensure one’s ownership of a computer algorithm patent is legitimate?
  3. What steps may be taken to stop bullying done online?
  4. Look at the ethical implications that using the internet anonymously might have.
  5. Whose laws do you need to follow if you want to safeguard your rights while you’re online?
  6. Discuss the effects that the need to acquire a computer has on individuals and countries who are less well off.
  7. What kinds of moral dilemmas can individuals encounter as a result of the capabilities of the internet?
  8. When would it be okay to sabotage the computer of another person?
  9. Consider the responsibilities to society that come with creating new software.
  10. Are crimes committed against people more destructive than those committed against computers?
  11. Whose property is the information that is made available online?
  12. Which is more important: the ease of access or the privacy of the information?
  13. Look at the ethical challenges that come with artificial intelligence.
  14. Who is to blame when a computer makes a significant error?
  15. Have a conversation about how important proper netiquette is.
  16. How should corporations in the technology sector handle ethical issues?
  17. Is it possible for ai systems to assure moral behavior?
  18. Why are ethics boards necessary for technology companies?
  19. Which use of drones raises potential moral dilemmas?
  20. Research should be done on whether or not face recognition technologies are biased based on race.

Possible subjects for a research paper on sports ethics

Integrity, respect, accountability, and fair play are the pillars of sports morality. Athletes are often faced with the following difficult choice: “do I want to compete ethically, or do I want to win?” it is not always simple to respond to these queries. The following is a list of potential subjects for a research paper on ethics relating to sports.

  1. What kind of ethical dilemmas might arise from utilizing performance-enhancing drugs?
  2. Is it immoral to play games with people?
  3. How significant is the importance of ethics in sports?
  4. Consider the ethical obligations that athletes must uphold.
  5. Why do collegiate athletes need to be paid from an ethical standpoint?
  6. Consider the moral repercussions of taking a knee while playing the national anthem.
  7. Is it possible for the ideals of higher education and the practices of college athletics to coexist?
  8. Look into the sexism that exists in the sporting world.
  9. When the American women’s soccer team demanded equal pay, did they act selfishly by going to court?
  10. Which ethical responsibilities do colleges have toward the athletes they employ?
  11. When are there times when cheating may be excused?
  12. How many be professional sporting events held ethically concerning the environment?
  13. In what ways do those who work in healthcare face ethical challenges when dealing with athletes?
  14. Which ethical responsibilities do coaches of various teams have?
  15. Is there a justification for the relatively high compensation that sports professionals receive?
  16. The wild card system was eliminated from the Olympics in the year 2003. Do you think that’s?
  17. As a result of the existence of the paralympics’, disabled athletes are unable to compete in the actual Olympics. Is there discrimination in that?
  18. Consider how the presence of money may affect the level of fairness in a sport.
  19. Discuss the question of whether or not youngsters are used in unethical ways to further their athletic careers.
  20. What are some of the ethical responsibilities that a good sport should uphold?
  21. How much should parents be engaged in the physical education of their children?
  22. Conduct research on whether general norms of ethics need to be applied to sports.
  23. Consider the moral repercussions that come with participating in racing.
  24. Who is accountable if a player sustains an injury?
  25. Do referees always make the right call?

Biomedical ethics topics

When we discuss issues about medical ethics topics, bioethics becomes an important factor. It encompasses various disciplines, including ethics in genetics, neurology, and even cosmetic surgery. Researchers often find themselves difficult since they attempt to serve the general good. Because of this, they were writing on bioethics may be a fascinating experience.

  1. Discuss the ethical dilemmas that arise from the use of genetic engineering.
  2. Which ethical duties come along with the use of CRISPR technology?
  3. Conduct a study on the challenges that stem cell investigation presents.
  4. When are people no longer allowed to be used in drug testing?
  5. Should being vaccinated be required for everyone?
  6. Investigate the ethical standards that must be followed by medical personnel.
  7. The risks associated with plastic surgery should be discussed.
  8. Should someone who has died from brain damage continue to be kept alive?
  9. Is it fair that a person’s access to medical treatment is contingent on their financial resources?
  10. Should it be assumed that everyone is willing to donate organs?
  11. Which is more important: the right to privacy of an individual or the information of relatives who may be in danger?
  12. Is it moral to do intrusive prenatal tests?
  13. Should neuroenhancement medications be legal?
  14. Discuss the ethical dilemmas that arise with disclosure and barring service.
  15. Is it morally acceptable to use brain stimulation to increase memory functions?
  16. Investigate the moral dilemmas that surround the practice of precision medicine
  17. What are some of the issues associated with surrogacy?
  18. Medical workers should remove healthy tissues from a dying patient even if the patient cannot provide consent?

Ethics presentation topics relating to issues of ethics in the criminal justice system

Ethics should guide the behavior of those who enforce the law. It is not always the case, which is a very unfortunate fact. Both law enforcement officials and lawyers often find themselves in precarious ethical positions. They often fail to act in a manner that accords with what the general populace believes appropriate. The following is a list of issues that fall under the ethics category in criminal justice.

  1. When is it acceptable for a law enforcement officer to resort to physical force?
  2. How is it possible for an officer to maintain their objectivity?
  3. Should law enforcement officers be required to carry their weapons in public openly?
  4. How much force is considered excessive?
  5. Investigate the potential ethical ramifications of listening to podcasts on real crimes.
  6. Should there be a law against prostitution in the united states?
  7. How morally questionable is it to question people?
  8. Is there ever a justification for torture?
  9. When working in the criminal justice system, it is important to discuss the ethical implications of lying.
  10. Is it a lie to pretend to work undercover?
  11. Discuss whether or not serving on a jury should be considered a moral obligation for citizens of the united states.
  12. Should the police be able to access the data of everyone in the country?
  13. Discuss the ethical challenges presented by the phrase “innocent until proved guilty.”
  14. Should convicted child molesters be permitted to have contact with their families?
  15. Do you believe that teaching ethics in schools may help reduce crime?
  16. Consider the implications of the Stanford prison experiment from an ethical standpoint.
  17. Should the north Atlantic treaty organization have engaged in the American war in Afghanistan?
  18. What are the moral repercussions of conducting active shooter exercises in schools?
  19. Was Edward Snowden acting in an unethical way?
  20. What kind of action should we take concerning child soldiers?
  21. Consider whether or not the criminal charges against Julian Assange are warranted.
  22. Investigate the moral dilemmas that arise from the use of privatized prisons.
  23. When deciding whether or not to give convicts the freedom to work, what kind of duties do people have to morality?
  24. When is the use of the death penalty acceptable?
  25. Is putting young criminals in jail a morally justifiable practice?
  26. Concerning morality ethics paper topics, ideas for writing an ethical problem might become a conundrum when it arises from a conflict between two or more differing moral standards. In this predicament, it is impossible to discover a way to arrive at a morally acceptable solution and be free of ambiguity. The following is a list of example subjects that might serve as a great foundation for beginning a debate about morality.
  27. Should parents monitor what their children do when they are online?
  28. Would you still call the police if you were the only witness to an accident you caused?
  29. What action should a physician take when patients reject therapy that might save their lives due to religious beliefs?
  30. Should you refuse to work with a customer just because their political opinions are different from yours?
  31. If you could make more money by promoting something you didn’t believe in, would you do it
  32. Should you find a job that will get you out of your low-paying employment?
  33. Your boyfriend has been unfaithful to you. You now have the opportunity to get vengeance on someone who has a special place in your heart. Would you do it?
  34. Should students use completely automated writing tools, such as free thesis generators, summarizers, and paraphrasers
  35. Your instructor makes fun of a student in your class all the time. You are a favorite of the instructor. Would you want to make your point?
  36. It’s quite cool that your youngster enjoys dressing up. One day, he approached his teacher requesting to bring one to school with him. Will you let him?
  37. You have a deep devotion to your faith. Your daughter has shown interest in tying the knot with someone else, and she has extended an invitation to you to attend the ceremony. What will you do?
  38. Your unborn kid was diagnosed with a handicap after prenatal testing was performed. Would you consider having the pregnancy terminated
  39. You are committed to this person for the foreseeable future. Suddenly, your companion is presented with the opportunity to work in a different region of the globe. What action would you take?
  40. You have a disease that eventually leads to death. Because of this, your family will have to support you financially. Are you obligated to them to discontinue your therapy in any way?
  41. You own a candy bar in both red and blue. You love the color blue, but you know it is also one of your friend’s favorites. Are you going to hand it over to them?

The top ten ethical issues up for discussion

  1. Is it moral to have animals as pets?
  2. Is there a moral justification for consuming meat?
  3. Should we cut off their funding completely?
  4. Should there be a moratorium on atomic bombs?
  5. Is there ever a time when prejudice is acceptable?
  6. Is it appropriate to inquire about a person’s age?
  7. Should parents compensate their children for doing chores
  8. Is sending voicemails considered unprofessional behavior?
  9. Should we give young people the right to vote?
  10. Should influential people advertise items that they don’t use themselves?
  11. Discussion topics regarding ethical issues
  12. Should there be any restrictions placed on the confidentiality that exists between a doctor and a patient
  13. Should there be no restrictions on suicides aided by doctors?
  14. What steps should you take to discover that a family member has engaged in criminal behavior?
  15. What should you do if you find out that your buddy is cheating on the test?
  16. Should athletes be compensated at a higher rate than teachers?
  17. Should there be a limit on the number of candidates from each gender in parliamentary elections?
  18. Do businesses have the legal right to gather information on the people who do business with them?
  19. In the course of election campaigns, may politicians make appeals to religious concerns?

Environmental ethics topics

  1. Should we interfere with nature or let it run its course in national parks?
  2. Ethics of animal testing in the wild. Do we have the right to tranquilize, trap, radio collar, and experiment on animals such as grizzly bears? What are the appropriate ethical boundaries for researchers to respect when studying wild populations? Do you think killing birds and other animals for zoos and museums are okay?
  3. Discourse on the aesthetic worth of the natural world. How does one’s aesthetic enjoyment of art items vary from one’s aesthetic appreciation of nature? Can we always find beauty in nature? Does the aesthetic value of nature offer enough backing for stringent environmental protection?
  4. An examination and justification or lack thereof of Julian Simon’s environmental viewpoints.
  5. Ecological sustainability and consumer culture, including issues raised by peter Wenz and the affluenza video.
  6. An analysis of the moral implications of oil exploration in the arctic national wildlife refuge.
  7. Is there a way that animal rights advocates should approach the issue of predators in the wild? When asked this question, how do sag off, Everett and Hettinger respond?

Business ethics paper topics

  1. Installation of monitoring cameras to keep an eye on staff members
  2. To what degree can managers keep tabs on their employees’ activities?
  3. Is it unethical to steal or read someone else’s e-mail while working in an office?
  4. What moral dilemma does it create when we combine databases that hold people’s personal information?
  5. The proliferation of malicious hackers and crackers, as well as the risk to individuals’ privacy
  6. A piece of software designed to decode digital information
  7. Who decides as to whether personal or private details to collect?
  8. Do companies strictly adhere to the policy on the confidentiality of information?

Ethics topics in nursing

  1. Informed consent
  2. Keeping the privacy and confidentiality of patients safeguarded
  3. Participation of the patient in decision-making
  4. Considering the topic of advanced care planning
  5. Inadequate personnel levels and available resources
  6. Managing ethical concerns in the nursing profession

Controversial ethical topics for research paper

  1. Should pedophiles be allowed to have children of their own?
  2. Ethics issues in incarceration
  3. Should morals be taught in schools to students?
  4. Is it acceptable to consume alcohol during breaks at school?
  5. Those who are incarcerated face ethical issues
  6. What privileges do inmates enjoy?
  7. Is maintaining anonymity during public research important?
  8. How does a nation bear responsibility for the health of its citizens?
  9. Is it moral to pay for medical care?
  10. Why is it risky to save sensitive information online?
  11. Is it secure to have so many sensitive details on social media profiles?
  12. When a social media account owner passes away, what should happen to it?
  13. Is paying to download software morally acceptable?
  14. How is it possible to stop bullying online?
  15. How can one defend their internet rights?

Philosophy and ethics argumentative essay topics

  1. Top ethical argument topics in philosophy and values include the following;
  2. Are individuals by nature good or evil?
  3. Do you believe in free will? Must the idea of free will be reexamined? Examination of reliable sources on the subject.
  4. Can a person’s faith in god alter them?
  5. Are religion and science compatible or incompatible? (pay special attention to creation and evolution)
  6. Defend or criticize utilitarianism.
  7. Make a case for or against moral/psychological egoism.
  8. Is morality influenced by society or culture?
  9. Are there moral facts?
  10. Should philosophers be asked to discuss how technology will advance in the future?
  11. Do moral laws subject people to servitude? Can moral prohibitions be broken for the sake of the greater good? Analyze Machiavelli’s theories with a critical eye.
  12. Which hypothesis is most persuasive in describing the factors that influence human behavior?
  13. Is morality correlated with one’s degree of education?
  14. According to the study, persons have innate abilities that significantly impact their ability to succeed in school. Should this have an impact on education? Does this support a class structure?
  15. Should human genetic engineering be permitted? Examination of reliable sources on the subject.
  16. Should euthanasia be permitted?


Nothing will be able to stop you now that you’ve gone through the extensive selection of topics for papers on ethics. You just need to choose one of these options to get started. However, suppose you are still having trouble with it. In that case, we provide expert writing aid on various ethical argument topics, including how to create the best ethics topic ideas and essay examples for research papers and other topics. Make your task sound more professional by taking advantage of our top-rated help.

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