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Grand Canyon – NRS 410V All Week Discussions

NRS 410V All Week Discussions


NRS 410 Grand Canyon Week 1


The case scenario provided will be used to answer the discussion questions that follow. Case Scenario

Ms. G., a 23-year-old diabetic, is admitted to the hospital with a cellulitis of her left lower leg. She has been applying heating pads to the leg for the last 48 hours, but the leg has become more painful and she has developed chilling.

Subjective Data

  • Complains of pain and heaviness in her leg.
  • States she cannot bear weight on her leg and has been in bed for 3 days.
  • Lives alone and has not had anyone to help her with meals.

Objective Data

  • Round, yellow-red, 2 cm diameter, 1 cm deep, open wound above medial malleolus with moderate amount of thick yellow drainage
  • Left leg red from knee to ankle
  • Calf measurement on left 3 in > than right
  • Temperature: 38.9 degrees C
  • Height: 160 cm; Weight: 83.7 kg

Laboratory Results

  • WBC 18.3 x 10″ / L; 80% neutrophils, 12% bands Wound culture: Staphylococcus aureus

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. What clinical manifestations are present in Ms. G and what recommendations would you make for continued treatment? Provide rationale for your recommendations.
  2. Identify the muscle groups likely to be affected by Ms. G’s condition by referring to “ARC: Anatomy Resource Center.”
  3. What is the significance of the subjective and objective data provided with regard to follow-up diagnostic/laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care?
    Provide rationale for your answer.
  4. What factors are present in this situation that could delay wound healing, and what precautions are required to prevent delayed wound healing? Explain. 

NRS 410 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Together with its supporters, ACS is committed to helping people stay well and get well by finding cures and by
fighting back. Critical Thinking Questions:

  1. Imagine that a family friend or colleague has just been diagnosed with cancer. Explain how the American Cancer Society might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why?
  2. According to statistics published by the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 1.5 million new cancer cases diagnosed each year over the next decade. What factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans? What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time
  3. Select a research program from among those funded by the American Cancer Society. Describe the program and discuss what impact the research will have on the prevention or treatment of cancer.

NRS 410 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion

Use the following Case Scenario, Subjective Data, and Objective Data to answer the Critical Thinking Questions.

Case Scenario

Mrs. 3. is a 63-year-old woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and sleep apnea. She has been smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years and has refused to quit. Three days ago, she had an onset of flu with fever, pharyngitis, and malaise. She has not taken her antihypertensive medications or her medications to control her heart failure for 4 days. Today, she has been admitted to the hospital ICU with acute decompensated heart failure.

Subjective Data

  1. Is very anxious and asks whether she is going to die.
  2. Denies pain but says she feels like she cannot get enough air.
  3. Says her heart feels like it is “running away.”
  4. Reports that she is so exhausted she cannot eat or drink by herself. Objective Data
  5. Height 175 cm; Weight 95.5 kg
  6. Vital signs: T 37.6 C, HR 118 and irregular, RR 34, BP 90/58
  7. Cardiovascular: Distant S1, 52, 53, 54 present; PMI at sixth ICS and faint; all peripheral pulses are 1+; bilateral jugular vein distention; initial cardiac monitoring indicates a ventricular rate of 132 and atrial fibrillation
  8. Respiratory: Pulmonary crackles; decreased breath sounds right lower lobe; coughing frothy blood-tinged sputum; 5p02 82%
  9. Gastrointestinal: BS present: hepatomegaly 4 cm below costal margin

Critical Thinking Questions

What nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs.]. at the time of her admission? Drug therapy is started for Mrs. 3. to control her symptoms. What is the rationale for the administration of each of the following medications?

  1. IV furosemide (Lasix)
  2. Enalapril (Vasotec)
  3. Metoprolol (Lopressor)
  4. IV morphine sulphate (Morphine)

Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.

Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide rationale for each of the interventions you recommend.

NRS 410 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion

Use the image in “Discussion Question Resource: Chest X-Ray” to answer the following Critical Thinking Questions.

Examine the x-ray of a patient diagnosed with pneumonia due to infection with Mucor. Refer to the “Module 4 DQ Chest Xray” resource in order to complete the following questions.

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Explain what Mucor is and how a patient is likely to become infected with Mucor. Describe the pathophysiologic progression of the infection into pneumonia and at least two medical/nursing interventions that would be helpful in treating the patient.
  2. Examine the laboratory blood test results and arterial blood gases provided in “Discussion Question Resource: Laboratory Blood Test Results.” What laboratory values are considered abnormal? Explain each abnormality and discuss the probable causes from a pathophysiologic perspective.
  3. What medications and medical treatments are likely to be prescribed by the attending physician on this case? List at least three medications and three treatments. Provide rationale for each of the medications and treatments you suggest.

NRS 410 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion

The case scenario provided will be used to answer the discussion questions that follow. Case Scenario

Mr. C., a 32-year-old single man, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, but he has gained about 100 pounds in the last 2-3 years. Previous
medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has high blood pressure, which he tries to control with sodium restriction and sleep apnea. He current works at a catalog telephone center.

Objective Data

  • Height: 68 inches; Weight 134.5 kg
  • BP: 172/96, HR 88, RR 26
  • Fasting Blood Glucose: 146/mg/dL
  • Total Cholesterol: 250mg/dL
  • Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL
  • HDL: 30 mg/dL

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. What health risks associated with obesity does Mr. C. have? Is bariatric surgery an appropriate intervention? Why or why not?
  2. Mr. C. has been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and the following medications have been ordered:
    (a) Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL PO 1 hour before bedtime and 3 hours after mealtime and at bedtime;
    (b) Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime; and
    (c) Sucralfate / Carafate 1 g or 10m1 suspension
    (500mg / 5mL) 1 hour before meals and at bedtime.

The patient reports eating meals at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m., and a bedtime snack at 10 p.m. Plan an administration schedule that will be most therapeutic and acceptable to the patient.

  1. Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given (Hint: Functional health patterns include health-perception – health management, nutritional – metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception – self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality – reproductive, coping – stress tolerance).
  2. What actual or potential problems can you identify? Describe at least five problems and provide the rationale for each.



Grand Cayon – NRS-433V Introduction to Nursing Research Course Syllabus

NRS-433V – Introduction to Nursing Research Course Syllabus

 Version 15.0

Introduction to Nursing Research


Course Code                       Type                                    Duration                                            Credit Hours

NRS-433V v:1    Credit Based      35 Days                            3.0


Course Description

This writing-intensive course promotes the use of research findings as a basis for improving clinical practice. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are presented. Emphasis is on the critical review of research studies and their applications to clinical practice. An overview of evidence-based practice is provided. Prerequisite: HLT-362V.






Course Materials

Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice


Grand Canyon University. (Ed.). (2018). Nursing research: Understanding methods for best practice.

Optional – Applied Statistics for Health Care


For additional information, the following is recommended:

Grand Canyon University. (Ed.). (2018). Applied statistics for health care.

Topic 1: History and Process of Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Process



  1. Examine the importance of nursing research in improving patient
  2. Identify critical elements of evidence-based
  3. Evaluate a clinical problem using the PICOT

Study Materials

Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice


Read Chapter 1 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice.

Exploring the Evidence. Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research


Read “Exploring the Evidence. Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research,” by Rutberg and Bouikidis, from Nephrology Nursing Journal(2018).

Searching Nursing Databases


Read the strategies and tips located on “Searching Nursing Databases” on the GCU Library website to assist you in searching the main nursing and health sciences databases. View the associated tutorials as needed.

Writing in APA 


View the “Writing in APA” tutorial,” located in the Writing Center in the Student Success Center.

Library Walk Through Tutorial


View the “Library Walk Through Tutorial.”

EBP: Evidence Based Practice


Read “EBP: Evidence Based Practice,” located in the Student Success Center.



Read “Plagiarism,” located on the GCU Library website, for information on how to avoid plagiarism.

Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers


Read “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers,” by Majid et al., from Journal of the Medical Library Association (2011).

Formulating a Researchable Question: A Criticle Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research


Read “Formulating a Researchable Question: A Criticle Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research,” by Aslam and Emmanuel, from Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS (2010).

To Make Your Case, Start with a PICOT Question


Read “To Make Your Case, Start with a PICOT Question,” by Echevarria and Walker, from Nursing 2014(2014).

Chapter 7: The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation


Read “Chapter 7: The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation,” by Titler, from the online eBook, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (2008), located on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website.

APA Basics


Reference the “APA Basics” information, located on the GCU Library website, to assist with the APA format and documentation of sources required for the assignment.

GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources


Reference the “GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources” resource for information on how to cite sources properly.

Literature Evaluation Table


Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” resource to complete the PICOT Question and Literature Search assignment.


PICOT Question and Literature Search


The first step of the evidence-based practice process is to evaluate a nursing practice environment to identify a nursing problem in the clinical area. When a nursing problem is discovered, the nurse researcher develops a clinical guiding question to address that nursing practice problem.

For this assignment, you will create a clinical guiding question know as a PICOT question. The PICOT question must be relevant to a nursing practice problem. To support your PICOT question, identify six supporting peer-revised research articles, as indicated below. The PICOT question and six peer-reviewed research articles you choose will be utilized for subsequent assignments.

Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to complete this assignment.

  1. Select a nursing practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research. Start with the patient population and identify a clinical problem or issue that arises from the patient population. In 200–250 words, provide a summary of the clinical issue.
  2. Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT question in your selected nursing practice problem area of interest. The PICOT question should be applicable to your proposed capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
  3. The PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project.
  4. Conduct a literature search to locate six research articles focused on your selected nursing practice problem of This literature search should include three quantitative and three qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your nursing practice problem.

Note: To assist in your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example: Search for diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what research design was used in the articles the search produced, review the abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will provide a description of data collection using qualitative or quantitative methods. Systematic Reviews, Literature Reviews, and Metanalysis articles are good resources and provide a strong level of evidence but are not considered primary research articles. Therefore, they should not be included in this assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Topic 1 DQ 1


PICOT is utilized by the health care community to identify and study a nursing or medical practice problem. Consequently, PICOT examples that may provide insight into the use of the PICOT process, may not be relevant to nursing practice as they are based on a medical practice problem.

Describe the difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem. Provide one example of each. Discuss why is it important to ensure your PICOT is based on a nursingpractice problem.

Topic 1 DQ 2


Nursing research is used to study a dilemma or a problem in nursing. Examine a problem you have seen in nursing. Provide an overview of the problem and discuss why the problem should be studied. Provide rational and support for your answer.

Topic 2: Research Ethics and Evaluating Qualitative Research



  1. Analyze the ethical considerations associated of conducting nursing
  2. Evaluate the components of a qualitative research
  3. Compare different types of qualitative

Study Materials

Ethical Challenges of Researchers in Qualitative Studies: The Necessity to Develop a Specific Guideline


Read “Ethical Challenges of Researchers in Qualitative Studies: The Necessity to Develop a Specific Guideline,” by Sanjari, Bahramnezhad, Fomani, Shoghi, and Cheraghi, from Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (2014).

Commentary: Writing and Evaluating Qualitative Research Reports


Read “Commentary: Writing and Evaluating Qualitative Research Reports,” by Wu, Thompson, Aroian, McQuaid, and Deatrick, from Journal of Pediatric Psychology (2016).

Lessons From HeLa Cells: The Ethics and Policy of Biospecimens


Read “Lessons From HeLa Cells: The Ethics and Policy of Biospecimens,” by Beskow, from Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics (2016).

Searching Nursing Databases


Refer to “Searching Nursing Databases” in the GCU Library, as needed, for searching the main nursing and health sciences database.

APA Basics


Reference the “APA Basics” information, located on the GCU Library website, to assist with the APA format and documentation of sources required for the assignment.

GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources


Reference the “GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources” resource for information on how to cite sources properly.

Research Critique Guidelines – Part I


Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part I” document to compete the topic assignment.


Topic 3: Research Ethics and Evaluating Quantitative Research



  1. Evaluate the components of a quantitative research
  2. Compare different types of quantitative .
  3. Contrast levels of control between experimental and nonexperimental research
  4. Describe sampling

Study Materials



Read “Plagiarism,” located on the GCU Library website, for information on how to avoid plagiarism.

The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses


Review “The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses,” by the International Council of Nurses (2012), located on the ICN website.

Sampling Methods in Clinical Research: An Educational Review


Read “Sampling Methods in Clinical Research: An Educational Review,” by Elfil and Negida, from Emergency (Tehran)


Appraising Quantitative Research in Health Education: Guidelines for Public Health Educators


Read “Appraising Quantitative Research in Health Education: Guidelines for Public Health Educators,” by Jack et al., from Health Promotion Practice (2010).

What Are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research? Is There a Conflict Between the Research Ethics and the Nature of Nursing?


Read “What Are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research? Is There a Conflict Between the Research Ethics and the Nature of Nursing?” by Fouka and Mantzorou, from Health Science Journal (2011).

Science, Technology, and Innovation: Nursing Responsibilities in Clinical Research


Read “Science, Technology, and Innovation: Nursing Responsibilities in Clinical Research,” by Grady and Edgerly, from Nursing Clinics of North America (2009).

Nursing Research: Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research


Read “Nursing Research: Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research,” located on the University of Texas Arlington Libraries website.

Research Ethics


Read “Research Ethics,” by Adams and Callahan (2014), located on the University of Washington School of Medicine website.


Topic 4: Measurement, Statistics, and Appraisal



  1. Describe measurement theory and levels of
  2. Describe the influence “levels of evidence” have on practice

Study Materials


Topic 5: Characteristics of Nursing Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice



  1. Create strategies for integrating evidence-based research into professional practice using the PICOT
  2. Discuss how evidence from research is applied in nursing
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative studies when applied to nursing

Study Materials 

Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice


Read Chapter 5 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice.



Review “Plagiarism,” located in the Student Success Center, for information on how to avoid plagiarism.

How to Implement a Change in Practice


Read “How to Implement a Change in Practice,” by Gesme and Wiseman, from Journal of Oncology Practice(2010).

Planning for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice


Read “Planning for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice,” by Cullen and Adams, from Journal of Nursing Administration(2012).

Changing Practice, Changing Lives: 10 Landmark Nursing Research Studies


Read “Changing Practice, Changing Lives: 10 Landmark Nursing Research Studies,” by the National Institute of Nursing Research(2012), located on the institute’s website.

Why Do Nurses Need Research?


Read “Why Do Nurses Need Research?” (2017), located on the Northeastern State University website.

The 2017 National Nursing Research Roundtable


Read “The 2017 National Nursing Research Roundtable” by National Institute of Nursing Research (2017).

Facilitating the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice Through Contextual Support and Nursing Leadership


Read “Facilitating the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice Through Contextual Support and Nursing Leadership,” by Kueny, Shever, Mackin, and Titler, from Journal of Healthcare Leadership (2015).

Translating Research Findings to Clinical Nursing Practice


Read “Translating Research Findings to Clinical Nursing Practice,” by Curtis, Fry, Shaban, and Considine, from Journal of Clinical Nursing (2016).

A Nurses’ Guide to the Hierarchy of Research Designs and Evidence


Read “A Nurses’ Guide to the Hierarchy of Research Designs and Evidence,” by Ingham-Broomfield, from Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (2016)

Choosing the Best Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice: Application of AACN Levels of Evidence


Read “Choosing the Best Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice: Application of AACN Levels of Evidence,” by Peterson et al., from Critical Care Nurse (2014).

Enhancing Utility and Understanding of Evidence Based Practice Through Undergraduate Nurse Education


Read “Enhancing Utility and Understanding of Evidence Based Practice Through Undergraduate Nurse Education,” by Reid, Briggs, Carlisle, Scott, and Lewis, from BMC Nursing (2017).

Turning Knowledge Into Action at the Point-of-Care: The Collective Experience of Nurses Facilitating the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice


Read “Turning Knowledge Into Action at the Point-of-Care: The Collective Experience of Nurses Facilitating the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice,” by Dogherty, Harrison, Graham, Vandyk, and Keeping-Burke, from Windows on Evidence-Based Nursing (2013).

Searching Nursing Databases


Read the strategies and tips located on “Searching Nursing Databases” on the GCU Library website to assist you in searching the main nursing and health sciences databases. View the associated tutorials as needed.

APA Basics


Reference the “APA Basics” information, located on the GCU Library website, to assist with the APA format and documentation of sources required for the assignment.

GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources



Grade Scale

Final Grade Column

Letter Grade GPA Value Minimum (%) Maximum (%)
A 4.0 95.0 100.0
A- 3.7 92.0 94.99
B+ 3.3 90.0 91.99
B 3.0 87.0 89.99
B- 2.7 84.0 86.99
C+ 2.3 80.0 83.99
C 2.0 76.0 79.99
D 1.0 72.0 75.99
F 0.0 0.02 71.99
I 0.0 0.0 0.01

Grade Categories

Assignments (%) Points Percentile
Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations 200.0
Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations 200.0
Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Draft 300.0
PICOT Question and Literature Search 120.0


Discussion Question (%) Points Percentile
Topic 2 DQ 2 8.0
Topic 5 DQ 2 8.0
Topic 5 DQ 1 8.0
Topic 2 DQ 1 8.0
Topic 3 DQ 1 8.0
Topic 3 DQ 2 8.0
Topic 4 DQ 2 8.0
Topic 1 DQ 1 8.0
Topic 1 DQ 2 8.0
Topic 4 DQ 1 8.0


Participation (%)                                                                                               Points                                                                                                                               Percentile
20.0                                                  —


Participation (%)                                                                                               Points                                                                                                                               Percentile
20.0                                                  —


Participation (%)                                                                                               Points                                                                                                                               Percentile
20.0                                                  —


Participation (%)                                                                                               Points                                                                                                                               Percentile
20.0                                                  —


Participation (%)                                                                                               Points                                                                                                                               Percentile
20.0                                                  —



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