UNV 104 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions UNV104
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1
Alana has been employed as a cashier at the local grocery store for two years, is always on time, and has excellent customer service skills. An assistant store manager position will be available soon and Alana’s manager is considering her for the position. She will be the only internal candidate considered. To prepare for the selection process, Alana’s manager has asked her to prepare a report that provides ideas for how the store could be improved and remain competitive with other grocery stores. Describe how Alana might create the report by using the information literacy skills of:
• Recognizing when information is needed
• Locating, evaluating, and effectively using the needed information
What specific skills will she need to do these things well? Could you successfully complete this report if you were Alana? What challenges would you have?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2
In this module you are required to begin the development of your expository essay by completing several prewriting strategies. Share with your classmates two examples of brainstorming that you seem to prefer. Did you brainstorm? If so, was brainstorming helpful to you? If not, why didn’t you? How confident do you feel about completing the essay? Do you have any concerns or questions? Locate at least one resource on the Internet (remember what you learned about information literacy) that may be useful to your classmates in writing their essays. Provide a link to the resource and a brief summary of why you think it will be useful.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1
The module lecture and readings have reviewed the reasons and importance of using library resources in your research. Explain why it is important to use resources retrieved from the online GCU Fleming Library vs. a general Internet search. In those instances where you need to do a search on the Internet, what guidelines should you follow? Why?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2
In this module, you will be working on a Library Scavenger Hunt. The lecture from this week also discusses how to use the library to find sources when writing. As you’ve worked on this module, what have you learned that you feel will be the most useful to you when searching for a resource to support your essay? Suppose a new GCU student needs assistance with locating resources to complete an essay. Based on what you’ve learned this module, provide at least three tips to the student for navigating the GCU Library.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1
Access the “Paraphrasing Resources” document. Use the resource to practice paraphrasing a text. Copy and paste a quote from the article you found to support your Expository Essay. Include a citation in GCU style. Below the quote, paraphrase the information from the quote. Comment on the paraphrasing completed by your peers. Are their paraphrases an accurate summary of the quoted material without copying the actual words from the quote? Why or why not?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2
Review the reading strategies on pages 70-73 in the textbook. Use one of the reading strategies to complete one of the required readings or your article for this module. How effective was the strategy you used? Explain. Which reading strategy are you most likely to use in the future, and why?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1
A thesis statement guides the reader to what the writer is going to say in the body of an essay. Reply to this post with the thesis statement for your expository essay. Respond to two of your peers’ posts, commenting on the clarity and other qualities of their thesis statements. For each of your peers, explain the type of evidence you think he or she would need to provide in order to adequately support their thesis statement?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2
Why is it important to use prewriting strategies when developing an essay? Which prewriting strategy featured in the multimedia piece works best for you and why?
Reply to two of your peers’ posts that chose a different strategy. Comment on pros and cons of using the strategy your classmate chose.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1
When someone’s writing is not focused, clear, and precise the message is often lost. To succeed in today’s competitive professional world you must be able to communicate effectively, especially through writing. Describe a situation (real or fictional) where not having a focused message in your writing could lead to a problem. Describe how you can use the writing process to ensure your writing is focused and effective.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 2
After reviewing the readings from Chapter 5 this week, discuss the importance of verbal communication and how it is different from other forms of communication (body language, etc.). Please provide an example of each form of communication and how it is linked to literacy in the classroom.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1
Imagine you created a piece of writing such as a book, song, or poem. Suppose someone else used that piece of writing without giving you credit for creating it. How would that make you feel? Find an instance on the Internet where there was a dispute involving copyright issues. How was the problem resolved?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 2
Describe a time you delivered information you thought was clear, but the receiver did not. What could you have done to improve your communication in this situation?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 1
What do you find most difficult about taking exams? Which of the strategies outlined in this module’s chapter do you think will be the most useful to you and why?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 2
How have the strategies and skills learned throughout this course influenced your learning? How will you use the information and communication literacy skills you’ve learned in this course in your future courses?