What is the American Dream Essay? Ultimate guide


The concept of the American dream essay is inextricably linked to living in the United States. The phrase first appeared in James Truslow Adams’s 1931 best-seller “The Epic of America.” The book was published during the Great Depression in America, and it discusses democratic issues.

The book’s author refers to “the American Dream of a better, richer, and happier life for all our citizens of every rank” in an expressive manner. Later on, this phrase evolved into a national ideology.

Unsurprisingly, writing about the American Dream essay is a typical assignment in high schools, universities, and colleges. If you have no idea where to begin with, such a task, you’ve come to the right place. We have prepared samples and tips to assist you in writing an essay that describes the iconic concept of the American dream.

The American Dream Argumentative Essay

The Great Gatsby American dream essay is an excellent essay topic of discussion and research. Assume you were given the following task:

Discuss whether F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby” depicts the American Dream as centered on money and status or equal opportunities for all.

Below is an American dream essay example was written by Mia, a high school student from Texas, with helpful tips on improving it.

At first glance, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby” appears to be nothing more than a lovely love story. However, the author does not limit his attention to the plot’s romantic aspects. Fitzgerald’s masterpiece addresses the pursuit of happiness, beauty, human flaws, and even the American Dream.

In the story of Jay Gatsby, the American Dream, in my opinion, means accumulating as much wealth as possible. Fitzgerald can demonstrate the difference in perception of the American dream based on one’s socioeconomic status. Gatsby grew up in a poor neighborhood but rose to wealth and spent the rest of his life in West Egg. He chose to blow his money on reconnecting with his long-lost love.

People like George and Myrtle, who lived in the industrial Valley of Ashes, wished for a better life. While Geroge believed it could be accomplished through hard work, Myrtle believed it could be accomplished through connections with people of a higher social class, such as Tom.

The Buchanans, on the other hand, lived in East Egg, a wealthy section of New York. They are a shining example of selfishly spending as much as they wanted on whatever they wanted as part of the American dream.

Regardless of where they lived or their goals, the “Great Gatsby” characters’ American Dream was linked to wealth.

American dream essay topics writing tips

You have just read an excellent example of an essay on the American dream. However, it is unlikely to receive an A+. Before delving into Mia’s text’s flaws, consider the following:

  • A fascinating examination of the subject
  • A strong point of view supported by solid arguments
  • An evident understanding of the novel’s plot and characters
  • A logical sequence

These positive aspects form the foundation of an excellent essay. However, some aspects of Mia’s writing could be improved.

American Dream Essay Outline

How to start an essay about the American dream

The main disadvantage of Mia’s essay’s introduction is that it is unclear where it ends. When it comes to essay writing, the structure is critical. As a result, it is critical that the introductory paragraph captures the reader’s attention, provides brief general information about the topic, and provides a clear thesis statement. In Mia’s essay, try this:

The novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald transports the reader to the bustling atmosphere of the Roaring Twenties. Fitzgerald’s masterpiece addresses topics such as beauty, human flaws, and the pursuit of happiness, in addition to being a beautiful representation of the Jazz Age and a touching love story.

However, the novel depicts what we know as the American dream as a race for wealth and extravagant spending rather than equality and a better life for all.

This introduction draws readers in by gradually transitioning them from the American dream essay thesis setting.

The main body

An argumentative essay’s main body must include points that support the thesis statement. Such paragraphs are used successfully in Mia’s essay. Her arguments, however, lack facts to back up her assertions. A more persuasive essay section might look like this:

Even though Myrtle and George lived in the Valley of Ashes, they each had a different take on the American dream. Myrtle says of her husband, “I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe.” To her, social status is everything, and having influential connections and spending money on luxurious items is her idea of the American dream.

This argument is more persuasive than Mia’s because it includes a quote from the novel and brief analysis of it.


The essay’s conclusion must prove the point mentioned in the thesis statement. The final paragraph of Mia’s statement lacks a powerful message and appears to end the text prematurely. Here’s an example of a more appropriate conclusion:

As a result, regardless of the characters’ socioeconomic status, their American Dream was far from Martin Luther King’s vision of a land where all ethnicities are treated equally. It also has nothing to do with Arthur Miller’s ideology of equal opportunity. The American dream in “The Great Gatsby’s” post-World War II setting is all about money and acquiring wealth for oneself. This version of a conclusion compares well-known ideas and confirms the thesis at the beginning of the essay, leaving the reader with room for thought.

You will be able to produce excellent written work if you follow the tips and examples provided. Continue reading for a list of the most intriguing topics for an essay on the American dream.

American dream essay titles

If you don’t have a clear prompt and want to choose your topic for your American dream essay, this list is ideal for inspiration:

  • Martin Luther King’s American Dream
  • The Contemporary American Dream
  • The American Dream Ideology of Arthur Miller
  • What Caused the “American Dream” to Become a National Ideology?
  • The Most Influential Ideas Regarding the American Dream
  • James Truslow Adams’ Description of the American Dream

Immigrants and the American Dream essay

People’s faith in the American dream has been shaken by rising student debt, a lack of high-paying jobs, and rising living costs. According to economic research, many first- and second-generation Americans in immigrant families experience upward economic mobility, but this mobility eventually stalls in subsequent generations. According to some researchers, first- and second-generation immigrants may feel more pressure to be a success story to dispel some Americans’ negative associations with the term “immigrant.”

Newcomers to the United States face different challenges than long-term residents. Many of your readers will be enlightened if you write an essay about how the American Dream differs for people born in other countries.


The article contains relevant information about American dream essays. Choose the topic that piques your interest, or create your essay topic! If diving into such a fundamental subject seems too daunting, you can always seek essay assistance. Our professional writers will ready to help you with brainstorming, proofreading, editing, and writing your paper. Contact us today at nursingpapersmarket.com to publish an American dream article with unique viewpoints.


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