50 Best Nursing Persuasive Speech Topics


Writing a persuasive speech is a common college assignment. It requires you to research interesting nursing persuasive speech topics before writing an argument supporting a particular point of view. This necessitates an understanding of what constitutes a persuasive speech. A persuasive speech can be defined as follows:

“A type of speech in which the speaker attempts to persuade the audience to adopt their point of view on a specific issue. “The goal of the speech is to persuade the audience to take a particular stance. This goal is difficult to achieve, and the effectiveness of the speech is measured by its ability to persuade the audience.

Nursing Persuasive Speech Topics

It is important to note that in medical school, you will almost certainly be assigned to write nursing-related persuasive speech topics. The first step in writing such assignments is usually to generate a list of interesting persuasive speech topics from which you can choose the most appropriate one to investigate.

Nursing-related persuasive speech topics, like medical argumentative essay topics, persuasive nursing speech topics, nursing research paper topics, persuasive speech topics for nursing students, business research paper topics, persuasive speech topics about nursing homes, and political science research paper topics, must have certain characteristics.

Medical argumentative essay topics have the following characteristics:

1.      It should be entertaining

This is one of the most important aspects to consider when selecting persuasive speech topics related to nursing. Keep in mind that the topic should effectively pique your interest. It would be best to look for fun persuasive speech topics to keep it interesting. You should, however, ensure that, in addition to being interesting, the topic is realistic in terms of its scope and complexity. Topics for speeches that are too complex or too simple should be avoided.

In conclusion, nursing health-related persuasive speech topics should focus on the appropriate research scope, generate a strong argument, and advance a healthy debate. Finding such topics necessitates extensive research into various areas of medical practice before settling on a specific topic.

2.      It should be one-of-a-kind

This is yet another important feature of persuasive speech topics nursing. It is concerned with the topic’s uniqueness. As a result, persuasive speech topics for nursing students should not be overused. This necessitates avoiding previously discussed debate topics.

As a result, some persuasive speech examples you should avoid looking into include topics such as euthanasia, marijuana legalization, and abortion. Explore areas on trending medical topics to help you come up with unique and fun persuasive speech topics.

3.      It must be appealing to the target audience

Another important characteristic of persuasive speech topics for nursing. It necessitates that you make certain that the topic appeals to the audience. As a result, when choosing a speech topic to write about, keep the audience in mind.

Your topic should be appropriate for your target audience. For example, if you target first-year college students, you should look for simple speech topics. Persuasive speech topics for nursing students should, in turn, reflect their level of knowledge and experience. For the speech to be persuasive, the target audience’s interests and levels of knowledge must be considered.

4.      It should be relevant

This is one of the most important aspects of good medical persuasive speech topics. It entails ensuring that your speech topic is appropriate for the occasion. Whatever entertaining, persuasive speech topics you choose, they must be appropriate for the event. Interesting persuasive speech topics on autism, for example, may not be appropriate for a diabetes event.

Nursing Persuasive Speech Topics

You can look around for appropriate and interesting persuasive speech topics. However, here are some examples of good persuasive speech topics for nursing:

  1. Regular medical checkups may reduce the risk of premature death.
  2. Schools should implement a sex education curriculum for teenagers.
  3. Patients in severe pain should be allowed to use marijuana.
  4. Diabetics should avoid physically strenuous activities.
  5. To promote healthy living, people should limit their meat consumption.
  6. Because mental health affects everyone, society should invest more in it.
  7. Cities should be designed to encourage residents to cycle as a means of leading healthier lives
  8. People living in cities should try to live as close to a rural lifestyle as possible to live longer.
  9. To promote healthy living, people should avoid fast-food restaurants.
  10. More regulation is required for effective, fast food industry management.
  11. Prohibiting the advertising of drugs and substances may aid in treating addiction.
  12. People should make time for adequate sleep to improve personal health.
  13. The primary approach to asthma management should be to improve air quality.
  14. Steroids in all animal feed should be prohibited.
  15. The legalization of euthanasia could aid in the reduction of suicide rates.
  16. To help improve care outcomes, all recovering surgery patients should be prohibited from smoking.
  17. The significance of organ donation to societal health and well-being.
  18. Vaccines should be the primary focus of treatment for emerging viral diseases.
  19. Plastic surgery should be limited to valid medical goals.
  20. Diet pills should not be used to treat nutritional deficiencies.
  21. An independent institution should regulate prescription drug prices.
  22. To avoid potential health issues, keep mobile phones away from the body.
  23. The government should play a role in making nutritious foods more affordable.
  24. Society should prioritize medical research over entertainment.
  25. Helicopter ambulances should be used primarily in traffic accidents and fires.
  26. Healthy people should donate blood regularly.
  27. Everyone over 12 should be taught how to perform CPR.
  28. The government should fully support needle exchange programs to prevent HIV transmission.
  29. People should make time for physical activity.
  30. Birth control pills should be made available to teenagers.
  31. To help serve societal health needs and interests, the pharmaceutical industry should be more regulated.
  32. Breastfeeding should be encouraged for as many months as possible.
  33. Stapling the stomach should be avoided at all costs.
  34. Terminally ill patients should participate in research programs as volunteers.
  35. People should focus on improving indoor air quality to improve their health.
  36. The use of birth control pills should be restricted.
  37. Early childhood nutrition can help protect against health problems later in life.
  38. Appropriate care approaches may aid in reducing the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder among soldiers.
  39. People should eat well to reduce their heart attack risk.
  40. Dental care and insurance should be fully integrated into primary care.
  41. Improved access to healthcare services can save society a significant amount of money.
  42. Food allergy should be considered a disease.
  43. The government should devote more resources to combating childhood obesity.
  44. Infertile couples should be encouraged to seek alternative medicine.
  45. To improve their health, people should drink more water.
  46. To reduce treatment costs, society should prioritize generics.
  47. The government should fully support and implement universal healthcare policies.
  48. Children should be prioritized in organ transplant programs.
  49. To avoid heart complications, people should constantly monitor their blood pressure.
  50. Food safety should be improved to improve access to nutrition.

Topics for Healthcare Persuasive Speeches

  1. High cholesterol is harmful to the heart and the human body.
  2. Patients should never accept financial compensation from the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. The pharmaceutical industry is opaque.
  4. Reduce asthma symptoms by improving air quality.
  5. Quitting smoking hastens recovery after surgery.
  6. Stress and anxiety are the most dangerous enemies of the heart and should be avoided at all costs.
  7. Stuttering causes issues with self-acceptance and self-esteem.
  8. Transgenerational techniques and methods must be evaluated more thoroughly.
  9. Terminally ill patients should have complete access to a hospital hospice program.
  10. Addiction to chemical drugs in the human body can sometimes result in death.
  11. The birth control pill is dangerous.
  12. Drug addiction in humans can be controlled by distracting their mind from their depressed state of mind through counseling.
  13. The E Coli bacteria is not adequately explained.
  14. Obesity should be blamed on the food industry.
  15. Good cognitive development in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can result in behavioral changes.
  16. A high sugar level in the blood causes indirect damage to the heart and blood vessels.
  17. The hospital’s management does not hire an adequate number of nurses, resulting in back-to-back duty for existing nurse staff.
  18. The government should define the maximum working hours for a nurse in a given hospital to protect her human rights.
  19. The morning-after pill must be freely prescribed in pharmacies and drugstores.
  20. The Morning-After Pill should be available without a prescription.
  21. The number of red blood cell counts rises naturally in the highest peaks of mountains, and this should not be confused with cancer.

Health Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. Cancer diseases are currently causing an increase in the number of deaths.
  2. Parents of ADHD children should consult a doctor at the onset of developmental stages to reduce hyperactivity.
  3. Low levels of red blood cells in human blood cause fainting and early fatigue.
  4. Bone marrow transplantation is ineffective in treating patients with blood cancer.
  5. Clinical psychology allows the patient suffering from depression to be easily revived.
  6. A healthy heart requires a balanced diet with an optimal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  7. Tourette’s syndrome patients can’t help themselves; let us assist them.
  8. Trans fats in packaged foods should be avoided to keep your heart healthy indefinitely.
  9. Using a known sperm donor is too dangerous.
  10. War veterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder are not treated promptly.
  11. Clinical psychology can treat half of all psychological problems better than allopathy or another orthodox method of treating psychological diseases.
  12. How a donation to your local Alzheimer’s charity helps?
  13. Human fetal tissue research will benefit Alzheimer’s disease patients.
  14. Brainless newborns should not be used as organ donors.
  15. Doctors always regard nurses as inferior and continue exploiting them on professional grounds.
  16. Nurses should take on social responsibility to create a disease-free society.
  17. Pathology and medical speech recognition experience
  18. Prescription medications should not be protected for 20 years.
  19. We are all affected by mental health issues in some way.
  20. Migraine is frequently misunderstood at work.
  21. Children with ADHD have more difficulty focusing on their studies than other children.
  22. Parents can recognize hyperactivity disorder from the beginning of the developmental stages.
  23. Needle exchange programs aid in the prevention of the spread of blood-borne viruses.
  24. Nursing ethics is essentially an injustice for nurses in various hospitals.

To conclude

When it comes to choosing engaging nursing persuasive speech topics for an exam, midterm, or assessment, you may feel under a lot of pressure. Practical assignments frequently consume an inordinate amount of time and energy, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Finding ideas for your nursing persuasive speech can be difficult at times.

Hopefully, you’ll find our guide and list of nursing persuasive speech topics inspiring to help you deliver the best persuasive speech papers. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to conduct research and write your nursing persuasive speech essay on your own. Contact our professional writing team at nursingpapersmarket.com, and we will provide you with high-quality nursing papers in time for you to submit it.




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